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In 2022, driven by a profound awareness of the opportunities and challenges within the digital product trading market, Suzuverse was established with the aim of delivering an engaging experience to users in a fully liberated and transparent virtual world. To accomplish this objective, Suzuverse decided to forge a close partnership with SECOMM to undertake a range of pivotal tasks to enhance the existing eCommerce system.

The collaborative project between SECOMM and Suzuverse not only reflects Suzuverse’s dedication to customer experience but also signifies a visionary and substantial investment in the future potential of digital product exchange.

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Connect all eCommerce stores to the Suzuverse’s Account Management System (AMS)

Prior to their collaboration with SECOMM, Suzuverse had an eCommerce system called AMS, which included:

  • Mobile app (SUZUWALK app): A Metaverse application bridging the gap between the real and virtual worlds, delivering a user experience that is both liberating and enjoyable.
  • C2C Marketplace (SUZUVERSE Marketplace): A platform where users could resell products (2D, 3D avatars) they had previously purchased from Suzuverse stores to other users.
  • Electronic Wallet (SUZUVERSE Wallet): Supporting users in integrating Ethereum wallets into SUZUVERSE Wallet and converting Suzu Points (SZT) into cryptocurrencies (currently ETH).

Furthermore, the company also owns an eCommerce store system with one main store (HQ) in Singapore and eight local stores in Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Brazil, and Bangladesh.

With the goal of expanding the global reach of the Suzuverse brand and efficiently managing these stores, Suzuverse aims to build a custom app to seamlessly connect the eCommerce store system with their existing AMS system. A critical task assigned to SECOMM is to propose an eCommerce platform and appropriate technological solutions for the integration and synchronization of data from the eCommerce store system into the AMS.



Prioritizing the customer experience, both SECOMM and Suzuverse have jointly decided to deploy and run the eCommerce system on the Shopify Plus platform. Furthermore, we have also concurred on integrating the SSO solution to streamline login management across the AMS system’s applications (SUZUWALK app, SUZUVERSE Marketplace, SUZUVERSE Wallet) and to synchronize product and transaction data, thus enhancing overall business efficiency.

Single Sign-on (SSO) Integration

Single Sign-On (SSO) is an authentication method that allows the user to log in once to any of the three AMS applications and then access the other two without the need for repeated logins. Implementing SSO saves time for users and enables the admin to manage access rights and user accounts more efficiently.

To ensure effective deployment, SECOMM, and Suzuverse have jointly engaged in discussions and the design of the ‘SSO flow’ for four distinct processes, including Account Registration, Login, Password Recovery, Logout, and Profile Updates.

Shopify Plus Đưa Suzuverse Vươn Ra Biển Lớn Như Thế Nào - Tích hợp SSO

Registration Flow

SECOMM designed the registration process simply and effectively.

  • Users click on the ‘Register’ option and are redirected to the ‘SSO server,’ where the authentication and account management process occurs.
  • Users are asked to input registration details such as Name, Email, and Password, which are used to create an account within the SSO system.
  • Users are also required to enter an OTP code, and upon successful entry, they are considered logged into the SSO system.
  • Ultimately, users are redirected to either the main or local store (where they initially clicked the ‘Register’ option).

Shopify Plus Đưa Suzuverse Vươn Ra Biển Lớn Như Thế Nào - Đăng ký tài khoản Suzuverse

Login Flow

SECOMM has designed the user login process based on four methods:

  • Log in with a pre-registered email and password.
  • Quick login using a Gmail account.
  • Quick login using a Facebook account.
  • Quick login using an Apple account.

When users access the Suzuverse website and choose the ‘Login’ option, they will be redirected to the ‘SSO Server,’ where the authentication and account management process takes place. After using one of the four login methods, users are considered logged into the SSO system and can access the features and other applications of Suzuverse without the need for repeated logins.

Shopify Plus Đưa Suzuverse Vươn Ra Biển Lớn Như Thế Nào - Đăng nhập tài khoản Suzuverse

Passwords Recovery & Reset Flow

SECOMM has strived to design a straightforward process for Password Recovery and Reset to ensure easy and rapid user access. 

  • When users choose ‘Forgot Password’ on the login interface, they are directed to the ‘SSO Server,’ where the password recovery procedure takes place. 
  • Users are asked to input the email address linked to their Suzuverse account, enabling the ‘SSO Server’ to accurately identify the account requiring a password reset.
  • Once the email is provided, users must verify their account by entering the OTP code sent to their email address
  • Following a successful account verification process, users are instructed to create a new password for their account. This new password is then sent to the ‘SSO Server’ for updating in the system.
  • After the ‘SSO Server’ confirms and processes the password recovery request, users receive a notification of the result, indicating whether the password reset was successful or not.

Shopify Plus Đưa Suzuverse Vươn Ra Biển Lớn Như Thế Nào - Quên mật khẩu và thiết lập lại mật khẩu

Logout Flow

Similarly to the previous processes, SECOMM has ensured that the account logout procedure is simple and streamlined:

  • Users go to the ‘Account’ page and select ‘Logout’ to sign out from the Suzuverse store. This means they exit their current session on the store and lose access to previously viewed features and personal information.
  • Users are logged out from the ‘SSO Server,’ ensuring they are no longer considered logged into the SSO system and cannot access any other related applications or services.
  • Users are then redirected to the Suzuverse Homepage, where they can begin a new experience on the website or application without the need to log in or maintain their previous working session.

Shopify Plus Đưa Suzuverse Vươn Ra Biển Lớn Như Thế Nào - Đăng xuất tài khoản

Update Profile Flow

The user profile update process, as designed by SECOMM, follows these steps:

  • Users access “My Account” on the Suzuverse website or application. At this point, users are logged in.
  • On the “My Account” page, users enter new information in the fields that need to be updated, such as their name and phone number.
  • After users have updated the information, a request to update is sent to the “SSO Server.
  • The “SSO Server” receives the request and performs the necessary updates.
  • Upon completing the update, the “SSO Server” sends the results back to the user’s “My Account” page.
Data Synchronization 

As previously mentioned, Suzuverse aimed to have a custom app to facilitate data synchronization from the Shopify Plus stores to the AMS. To achieve this, the SECOMM team effectively executed the development of the custom app, aligning with Suzuverse’s specific requirements and timeline. They also leveraged the capabilities of the Shopify Plus eCommerce platform to synchronize product and order data.

Sync product data from the HQ store to local stores

To ensure consistency and efficiency in the process of synchronizing product data, SECOMM designed a product data architecture from the HQ store, including key details like product names, descriptions, prices, and images. This architecture was carefully designed to be compatible with both the HQ store and the local stores.

Once the data architecture design was complete, SECOMM deployed the product data synchronization from the HQ store to the local stores, using a custom app as an intermediary throughout the synchronization process. Moreover, through the Shopify admin interface of the HQ store, Suzuverse could monitor any changes related to the products in the local stores. This is helpful for the comprehensive management and updates of product data throughout the entire system.

In summary, this process ensures the swift and uniform updating of the product data from the HQ store to all local stores within Suzuverse, effectively reducing the potential for errors in data management. Shopify Plus Đưa Suzuverse Vươn Ra Biển Lớn Như Thế Nào - Đồng bộ dữ liệu sản phẩm từ HQ Store đến Local Stores

Sync order data from local stores to the AMS

The process of synchronizing order data from Local Stores to the AMS system is facilitated through a custom app.

  • The workflow begins when a transaction is either created or modified within the Suzuverse’s local stores. Transaction details, including product names, SKUs, values, buyer information, and order dates, are stored at these local stores. 
  • The custom app continuously monitors these transactions, capturing and transmitting data to Suzuverse’s AMS system whenever an event related to these orders occurs.
  • Before updating data in the AMS, the custom app checks for consistency and verifies order data to ensure accuracy and security.
  • Once the order data has been verified, the custom app updates the data within the AMS.

This process ensures that Suzuverse maintains uniform order information across the entire system and facilitates efficient synchronization of order data from the local stores into the AMS system.Shopify Plus Đưa Suzuverse Vươn Ra Biển Lớn Như Thế Nào - Đồng bộ dữ liệu giao dịch từ Local Stores đến hệ thống AMS

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Ready to Maximize Your eCommerce Potential?
Leverage the power of your eCommerce system with SECOMM!



Connect all Shopify Plus stores to the AMS seamlessly and effectively

With the mission of creating a liberated, transparent, and experiential environment for digital product transactions, Suzuverse and SECOMM forged an ideal partnership to enhance their eCommerce system and make the Suzuverse brand more accessible to global users.

Beyond SECOMM’s effort and expertise, coupled with Suzuverse’s effective collaboration, the excellence of Shopify Plus played a significant role in the remarkable success of this project. Thanks to the seamless integration capabilities of Shopify Plus, SECOMM easily integrated the SSO solution into the store system.

This not only ensured a user-friendly and convenient experience across various Suzuverse applications but also bolstered security and streamlined the user account management process. Furthermore, Shopify Plus’s flexibility and scalability allowed SECOMM to seamlessly integrate a custom app into the system, ensuring accuracy and time efficiency in synchronizing product and transaction data.

SECOMM and Suzuverse jointly overcame technical challenges and time limitations to take pride in the completion of the integration project between the Shopify Plus store system and the AMS system. We anticipate that this collaboration will continue to yield significant benefits for both parties and SECOMM is always ready to support Suzuverse on their journey in an ever-expanding digital world.

Shopify Plus Đưa Suzuverse Vươn Ra Biển Lớn Như Thế Nào - SuzuMarketplace
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Ready to Maximize Your eCommerce Potential?
Leverage the power of your eCommerce system with SECOMM!