Author: secommer
Publish date: 18/05/2022

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With the boom in recent years, ecommerce is a potential business form pursued by many businesses, especially egrocery stores. According to Statista, the grocery ecommerce market in the United States is likely to exceed $24 billion by 2023.

Realizing the potential of the egrocery market, several businesses have deployed grocery ecommerce websites early and experienced breakthrough growth, such as Grofers (Blinkit) and BigBasket in India, Bach Hoa Xanh, An Nam Gourmet, Farmer’s Market, WinMart, and Organica in Vietnam.

The common thing that makes the success of the above brands lies in the ecommerce platform. Therefore, to develop and operate an effective ecommerce website, the role of platforms is enormous.

So which ecommerce platforms are suitable for the grocery industry?

Platform selection criteria

User interface and administration interface

For the website interface, in addition to meeting basic needs such as UI/UX standards and showing the brand’s characteristics and the eGrocery industry, businesses also need to focus on the presented product images. Therefore, on the website, everything needs to be synchronized and precise.

The administrator interface (admin) must be easy to use, navigate, control, and manage all data in the system.

Functional system

With eGrocery, the system of ecommerce features needs to be diverse from basic to advanced, solving complex characteristics of the grocery industry such as products with multiple units, weight difference, and price volatility, export-import complex warehouse, and synchronized data throughout the system.

Some functions required in a grocery ecommerce website system such as:

  • Primary functions: Meet the most basic needs when operating an ecommerce system, such as order management, checkout, payment, shipping, etc
  • Advanced Functions: Functions that enhance the consumer experience and accelerate the shopping process such as order tracking, abandoned cart recovery, similar product recommendations, product search fast products, multi-layered product portfolio, etc
  • Specific functions: Functions that help to thoroughly solve the difficulties of implementing specialized grocery ecommerce, meeting the needs of customer segments and businesses such as fast delivery, choice of time delivery point, etc

Integration capabilities

To have a seamless online volatility store system with multiple sales channels, businesses must integrate their ecommerce website with other payment services, shipping services, management software, analysis, report, and distribution systems:

  • Payment: Integrate various payment methods from domestic cards to international cards, such as payment gateways (Paypal, Stripe, OnePay), e-wallets (Momo, ZaloPay), etc.
  •  Shipping: Integrate with international shipping providers like DHL Express, Fedex, Ups, USPS, and popular shipping providers in Vietnam like Fast Delivery, Economy Delivery, Ninja Van, etc. With order tracking applications to help process and operate the delivery processes
  • Management software: Easily integrate CRM, ERP, and POS software to get a seamless connection on all supply channels from offline to online
  • Analysis and reporting: Integrate analysis and reporting software such as Business Intelligent, Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, etc.

This integration helps businesses overcome the limitations of the “rice-powered” process, increase the automation of the system, limit business mistakes, and ensure high accuracy and performance.

Ability to extension

To accompany businesses to develop over time, from startups, and SMEs (small and medium enterprises), to large corporations, from B2B, B2C, and D2C business models to B2B2C, commerce electronics platforms must be highly scalable. High scalability helps meet all future business growth needs, such as multi-site, multi-country, and multi-currency, all manageable on “one screen.” Not only that, but highly scalable platforms also support businesses to operate the system stably regardless of the traffic in promotion campaigns.

Evaluate 5 ecommerce platforms for egrocery business based on each criterion

Top 5 ecommerce platforms for egrocery
Some platforms that support egrocery business: Ziel Commerce, Shopify, Haravan, WooCommerce, Magento

Ziel Commerce

Ziel Commerce is a readymade grocery ecommerce platform with all the features designed to support an online grocery store business.

Top 5 ecommerce platforms for egrocery ZielCommerce
Ecommerce platform Ziel Commerce

Website interface

Ziel Commerce provides a repository of themes specifically for the grocery industry, allowing businesses to customize according to their needs, helping to both reflect the characteristics of the industry and position the brand image.

Remarkably, the interface for administrators is also invested by the founders to make it most accessible for businesses to use. But currently, Ziel Commerce is not popular in the Vietnamese market, so there is no Vietnamese version for businesses.

Functional system

As a platform designed specifically for the eGrocery industry, Ziel Commerce can meet all the most specialized needs of businesses, including fundamental to advanced functionality systems and existing industry-specific solutions.

Integration capabilities

Ziel Commerce has a significant drawback in integrating the website system. In addition, this platform only supports add-ons available in its ecosystem, so businesses will not be able to link with the ERP, POS, CRM, BI, etc., systems in use. Therefore, when using Ziel Commerce, companies need to transfer all existing data to the server of this platform.

Ability of extension

Although it does not own the source code, Ziel Commerce is still a highly appreciated platform for its scalability compared to SaaS platforms. Ziel Commerce supports businesses to expand their ecommerce website system from one to many stores/websites, multi-language, multi-currency without many obstacles. However, in the long run, Ziel Commerce cannot support businesses to expand or develop new functions because firms cannot affect the source code; if it affects it, it will cause instability for the commercial website system. 

→ Rating: 3/4

Ziel Commerce provides an almost comprehensive online grocery store website building solution for businesses, from website interface and functional system to scalability. However, the implementation cost is relatively high, about $50,000/project in 6 months. Therefore, Ziel Commerce is only popular with retail chains, has high functional demand, and operates mainly abroad. However, when using Ziel Commerce, businesses should consider adding the platform’s integration, limiting instability in the operation when 3rd party systems are not compatible with the platform.


Shopify is a SaaS ecommerce platform favored by the international ecommerce business community because of its fast implementation time and reasonable starting cost.

Top 5 ecommerce platforms for egrocery Shopify
Ecommerce platform Shopify

Website interface

Shopify provides a variety of interfaces, including grocery industry and UI/UX standards, but cannot be edited according to the characteristics of the business.

Functional system

Shopify’s functional system is relatively complete, meeting the basic needs of businesses. But to use advanced functions, companies have to pay a certain amount of money every month, leading to an increased cost of using the functional system. In addition, even Shopify can barely provide eGrocery industry-specific resolution functions.

Integration capabilities

Because it is a SaaS platform, businesses cannot affect the source code, and it is not easy to integrate with many 3rd parties. Companies can only integrate utilities provided by Shopify or a platform partner.

Some utilities that companies can integrate with Shopify include:

  • Payment: Paypal, Stripe, SagePay, AliPay Global, etc
  • Shipping: DHL Express, USPS, UPS, etc
  • Administration: Microsoft Dynamic 365 (ERP), Oracle NetSuite (ERP), Acumatica (ERP), etc
  • Marketing: Google Tools, MailChimp, Facebook Pixel, etc

Ability of extension

Similar to the ability to integrate, the scalability on Shopify is not high because businesses cannot influence the source code to edit and upgrade the website. Therefore, online grocery businesses can only use Shopify for the first time.

→ Rating: 2/4

Shopify is only suitable for businesses new to the ecommerce market, startups, or SMEs (small and medium enterprises) because of the reasonable development cost and time to deploy an online grocery store business website.


Founded in 2014, Haravan is an ecommerce platform based on Shopify. Currently, Haravan is a popular platform in the Vietnamese market with more than 50,000 business people and trusted brands.

Top 5 ecommerce platforms for egrocery Haravan
Ecommerce platform Haravan

Website interface

Haravan has many standard UI/UX interfaces suitable for the grocery industry, including free and paid. At the same time, the interface for administrators supports Vietnamese and is easy to use, so businesses do not face many difficulties when using it.

Functional system

Haravan provides many utilities – functions for online grocery stores in Vietnam.

In addition, similar to Shopify, to use more advanced functions, businesses have to pay a monthly application fee of about 100,000 VND/month/app.

However, businesses can’t find parts that deal with the grocery’s specifics in Haravan’s app store and can’t develop in terms of specific functions. Enterprises can only use the functions included in the package and app store.

Integration capabilities

For integration capabilities, Haravan can integrate with Haravan’s partners such as transportation (Economic Delivery, Fast Delivery, Ahamove, GrabExpress, etc.), payment (Ngan Luong, VNPAY, Napas, PayPal, etc.), etc.).

It is difficult for businesses to integrate for 3rd party utilities outside Haravan’s ecosystem on their ecommerce website.

Ability of extension

As for the extension of the ecommerce website system, Haravan can only support the multi-language – currency but cannot expand from one to many websites/stores. It is challenging to manage all the data on a foundation.

As the business gradually grows and expands, Haravan will no longer be functional enough to maintain an online grocery store business. As a result, companies are forced to switch to more specialized platforms such as Magento, WooCommerce, and OpenCart. But, of course, switching platforms will create many other problems such as costs, time, personnel, etc.

→ Rating: 2/4

Similar to Shopify, Haravan is only suitable for businesses new to the ecommerce market, startups, and SMEs. But Shopify can support online grocery business globally, and Haravan only stops at the Vietnamese market.


WooCommerce is an open-source platform in the form of a WordPress plugin, allowing businesses to use it completely free.

Top 5 ecommerce platforms for egrocery WooCommerce
Ecommerce platform WooCommerce

Website interface

WooCommerce and the community provide businesses with various themes designed for the grocery industry. At the same time, this platform also allows influencing the source code to customize according to needs, helping businesses quickly convey brand messages and images.

Since WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin, the admin will continue to manage the website on the WordPress interface itself. This makes it easy for businesses using WordPress to adapt, use, and navigate on the WooCommerce dashboard.

Functional system

WooCommerce supports a variety of features, from basic to advanced. However, this platform has some limitations on features specific to the grocery industry because interfering with developing these functions will easily cause instability for the website system.

Integration capabilities

Thanks to the advantages of the open source platform, WooCommerce has flexible customization capabilities and supports integration with many 3rd party utilities.

In payment, businesses can use amount plugins such as Stripe, PayPal, Apple Pay, and Square to their ecommerce website system with high security and safety. In addition, companies can integrate with many shipping providers such as Fedex, Ups, USPS, and DHL Express. The WooCommerce platform also allows businesses to integrate with management software such as Odoo, Square POS, WP ERP, and Marketing software such as Google Listings, Google Ads, and Facebook Pixel to support businesses in effective business management. More fruitful.

Ability of extension

Contrary to the integration capabilities, the extensibility of WooCommerce is not appreciated. Because the system is easily overloaded with plugin themes, and the number of products does not exceed 2000 SKUs (Stock Keeping Unit). Therefore, businesses wishing to expand their website system need to consider when using this platform in the long run.

→ Rating: 3/4

WooCommerce is the right platform for grocery businesses that use WordPress and are looking to develop an ecommerce system. But when using WooCommerce, companies should consider the limitations of integration, extensibility, and customizability of specific features.


Magento is a popular open source commerce platform in ecommerce, with nearly 200,000 websites in use. Currently, Magento has 2 versions: Magento Open Source (free) and Magento Commerce (paid).

Top 5 ecommerce platforms for egrocery Magento
Ecommerce platform Magento

Website interface

Although Magento does not own a rich theme store like other ecommerce platforms, businesses can look to the developer community, market (Envato), or design their own. Having many options when designing the interface helps Magento websites to have their uniqueness, avoid overlapping the interface with many different websites and bring a higher shopping experience.

Previously, the admin interface on Magento 1 was often considered difficult to use and took a long time to adapt. As a result, Magento publishers developed Magento 2 with a more intuitive and easy-to-navigate dashboard to overcome this problem.

Functional system

The Magento platform has a highly diverse system of features from basic and advanced to industry-specific to help grocery businesses quickly build and develop a sustainable system.

A basic functional system, including catalog management, product management, customer management, report analysis, etc., helps meet the basic needs of a convenient online grocery store business.

In particular, Magento also has many advanced functions for ecommerce, such as multi-language support, multi-currency, multi-store, PWA, MSI, ElasticSearch, etc. Shopping happens faster.

Magento does not have built-in features only for the grocery industry regarding specific features. Still, businesses can quickly build a system of particular features such as category classification, quick search, and delivery time selection thanks to flexible customization on open source code.

Integration capabilities

Thanks to the advantages of the open source platform, the Magento website can be easily integrated with any 3rd party utilities, from payment, shipping, and business administration.

Regarding payment, Magento easily connects with today’s popular payment methods such as card payments (domestic cards, VISA, Mastercard), e-wallets (MOMO, Zalopay), and payment gateways (OnePay, VNPay, etc.) PayPal) or COD, which helps to diversify payment methods.

Magento can integrate with shipping providers such as Fast Delivery, Economy Delivery, Viettel Post, and order tracking applications.

Magento can be integrated into back-office management software (ERP, CRM, POS) such as SAP, Salesforce, and Oracle to help operate all resources and processes seamlessly in the enterprise.

In addition, Magento also supports integration with business analysis tools such as Power BI, Tableau, and Looker and analysis and reporting utilities such as Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and Facebook Pixels to exploit all data from the system. As a result, Magento plans to improve its business strategy.

Ability of extension

Magento allows businesses to expand from one website to many different websites on the same system to meet the needs of business development. In addition, with the available support for language and currency conversion from Magento, businesses can build a grocery ecommerce system with content suitable for a diverse audience of customers around the globe.

In addition, open source customization enables Magento developers to build functional solutions specific to the grocery industry. This advantage makes Magento expand the system of capabilities according to each business size, from small businesses to large-scale corporations.

→ Rating: 4/4

Because Magento possesses many outstanding advantages, from website interface and functional system to the ability to integrate and expand, Magento is suitable for a variety of grocery business models from B2B, B2C to B2B2C, a multiform of enterprise-scale such as startup, SME, enterprise (large corporation). However, the time to deploy ecommerce on Magento is usually long – from 6 months to 1 year, with high construction costs of about 50,000 – 100,000 USD/project. At the same time, businesses also need to have a professional team or cooperate with experienced units to develop an effective grocery ecommerce system. Therefore, Magento is popularly used in the community of large-scale businesses that need many functions to increase user experience.

Top 5 ecommerce platforms for egrocery
Top 5 ecommerce platforms for egrocery

Choosing the right platform is the first and most significant step when building a grocery ecommerce website. Selecting the right ecommerce platform will help businesses save budget and time in building a website while increasing competitive advantage and sustainable growth. On the contrary, choosing the wrong forum will cost businesses a lot of time and budget to deploy and switch platforms. Therefore, companies need to consider the goals and problems in the current model to choose the most suitable platform.

With experience in successfully implementing complex grocery ecommerce systems like An Nam Gourmet, SECOMM understands grocery businesses’ obstacles.

Contact SECOMM now for a free consultation on detailed ecommerce system development solutions!

Ready to Maximize Your eCommerce Potential? Let’s talk

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  1. V

    nice article

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15 Brands Adopt International Expansion With Shopify Plus Part 3

Welcome to the final installment of our three-part series on brands that have successfully embraced international expansion with Shopify Plus. In the previous parts, we explored the journeys of ten dynamic brands that leveraged Shopify Plus to navigate the complexities of global growth. In this concluding chapter, we turn our attention to five more outstanding brands: Ellana Cosmetics, Dollar Shave Club, Daniel Wellington, BONIA, and AIMER.

Dollar Shave Clubthuong-hieu-su-dung-shopify-plus


Dollar Shave Club (DSC) is a renowned American company that revolutionized the personal care industry with its subscription model for razors and personal care products.

Initially, DSC built its own custom eCommerce platform, which provided flexibility and high customization. While this allowed DSC to shape its business model in the digital landscape, managing and maintaining it became complex and resource-intensive over time. As technological solutions like Shopify emerged, offering features and tools that DSC could leverage, the company explored available solutions to integrate them into its existing system. After careful consideration, DSC transitioned to Shopify Plus to better support its profit growth and international expansion goals.

Through Shopify Plus, DSC operates and manages its subscription business model more effectively, integrating multiple applications within the Shopify ecosystem to optimize marketing campaigns and customer care. As a result, DSC reduced system maintenance resources by 40%, reached over 100 million global consumers through ShopApp, swiftly converted international stores to Shopify Plus within weeks instead of months, and increased conversion rates using Shopify’s applications.


Industry: Men Health

Traffic: 3.148M/month

Rank: #9,907 (USA) & #50,278 (Global)

Daniel Wellingtonthuong-hieu-su-dung-shopify-plus


Launched in Sweden in 2011, Daniel Wellington is known for its elegant, minimalist watch designs and superior quality. Before Daniel Wellington adopted Shopify, they faced significant operational challenges, particularly the complexity and cost of their current technology systems, which included an e-commerce platform lacking user interface from CommerceTools and Contentful as their chosen CMS platform. The development and rollout of new features were time-consuming and cumbersome, consuming substantial resources. Additionally, Daniel Wellington used an on-premise ERP system, which increased costs and complexity. With multiple stores and integrated systems, product changes took months or even years to implement, resulting in delayed time-to-market.

Since transitioning to Shopify Plus, all these issues have been thoroughly addressed. Website features that previously took months or even years to develop and launch now take only days or weeks. This practical approach allows for quicker decision-making and agile response based on market dynamics. Other notable outcomes include the rapid launch of 12 expansion stores, a 50% reduction in platform fees, and fewer resource expenditures on maintenance and development compared to before.


Industry: Fashion

Traffic: 2.773M/month

Rank: #78,900 (USA) & #63,785 (Global)



Established in 1974, BONIA has gradually become a prestigious and irreplaceable fashion brand in Southeast Asia. After making the strategic decision to transition from Adobe Commerce to Shopify due to previous challenges with product launch speed and website responsiveness, BONIA aimed to leverage its online presence for international expansion. Recognizing the need to provide personalized experiences for customers while maintaining a consistent brand identity across different markets, BONIA also sought to ensure that managing multiple websites wouldn’t burden its team with excessive time and costs.

Therefore, BONIA upgraded to Shopify Plus. This strategic move enabled BONIA to harness the expansive capabilities of Shopify Plus storefronts, allowing them to establish multiple online storefronts alongside their flagship Malaysian website. Leveraging this capability, BONIA seamlessly integrated themes and layouts from its Malaysian store while ensuring each new store exudes its own distinct charm and is localized to specific locations. This localization was achieved through customized adjustments tailored to each specific region. Shopify Plus’s organizational admin also played a crucial role, providing BONIA with a centralized command center for all its stores.

As a result, BONIA increased its overall revenue by 10% through expansion into Singapore and saw a 25% annual increase in website traffic.


Industry: Fashion

Traffic: 108,842/month

Rank: #27,473 (Malaysia) & #1,510,285 (Global)

Ellana Cosmeticsthuong-hieu-su-dung-shopify-plus


In 2007, Ellana Cosmetics was founded with the goal of helping global consumers achieve better skin and improve their skincare knowledge. Recognizing the opportunity to reach more customers online, the brand initially started with a basic HTML website, then moved to Adobe Commerce and later WooCommerce. However, Ellana Cosmetics was dissatisfied with the results these platforms provided. The lack of robust data management tools made it difficult to personalize customer experiences across different markets, resulting in significant online sales losses.

Ellana Cosmetics switched to Shopify when their e-commerce marketing efforts were still in their infancy in the Philippines. This allowed Ellana to strengthen its technological foundation and accelerate growth and efficiency by upgrading to Shopify Plus shortly thereafter. The company leveraged various solutions to optimize managing multiple expanded storefronts, including Shopify Flow. As a result, the average order value increased by 17%, payment failure rates decreased by 40%, and online revenue increased by 50%.


Industry: Cosmetics

Traffic: 88,075/month

Rank: #61,563 (Philippines) & #2,754,014 (Global)



Founded in 1993, AIMER is one of the leading lingerie brands in China. With over 20 years of experience in designing and creating premium and luxurious lingerie, AIMER takes pride in its continuously evolving creative design team, which has developed more than 400 new products under its five main brands: AIMER, imi’s, LA CLOVER, AIMER Men, and Aimer Kids. Supported by these innovative products, AIMER has established an international presence far beyond its homeland, including regions such as North America, Europe, and the Middle East.

International sales are a crucial part of AIMER’s development strategy. However, the brand faced challenges regarding customization, taxation, and compliance with tax rules. AIMER migrated its platform to Shopify Plus, leveraging its customization capabilities to meet the needs of customers in international markets.

Additionally, utilizing Shopify Plus’s Avalara tax automation feature helped AIMER automatically calculate taxes based on the customer’s international address. Instead of manually calculating taxes, Shopify Plus accurately computed taxes for each order based on the latest tax regulations of the target market and automatically added taxes to the final checkout page, ensuring transparency in tax costs for consumers.

As a result, AIMER saw a 105% increase in monthly site visits, a 57% increase in monthly conversion rates, and a 62% increase in monthly page views.


Industry: Fashion

Traffic: 32,449/month

Rank: #51,992 (Hong Kong) & #1,948,207 (Global)

Final Words

In this final part of our series, we’ve delved into the inspiring journeys of Ellana Cosmetics, Dollar Shave Club, Daniel Wellington, BONIA, and AIMER. These brands exemplify how leveraging Shopify Plus can transform the challenges of international expansion into opportunities for growth and success.

As we conclude our series, it is evident that the journey to international expansion is complex but highly rewarding with the right tools and strategies. For brands looking to embark on this path, the experiences of 15 success stories will provide valuable insights and inspiration.

Need a deep consultation? Contact SECOMM for free!

thương hiệu quốc tế sử dụng shopify plus
15 Brands Adopt International Expansion With Shopify Plus Part 2

In Part 2 of our series, we delve into the journeys of Oh My Cream, Koh, LSKD, Glamlite, and GIVA. Each of these brands brings unique offerings to the global market, from skincare and household products to activewear and gourmet cosmetics. We explore how these companies have navigated the complexities of international expansion, overcoming challenges and seizing opportunities with the support of Shopify Plus.

GIVAthương hiệu quốc tế sử dụng shopify plus


GIVA is India’s leading brand for providing luxurious and elegant gold and silver jewelry at affordable prices. Since its launch in 2019, the brand has been loved by both domestic and international customers. Consequently, within just four years, the company achieved remarkable growth, leading to the need for a more robust eCommerce system.

Initially, GIVA’s D2C system operated on Shopify, but to handle the large and increasing volume of transactions, the company upgraded to Shopify Plus. Through Shopify Plus, GIVA quickly launched additional stores in the USA and Sri Lanka, and also set up an expansion store for its sub-brand, AVNI.

GIVA leveraged the exclusive Shopify Plus feature, organizational admin setting, to seamlessly and efficiently perform actions across multiple stores, rather than managing each store individually. As a result, GIVA experienced a 100% year-over-year revenue increase compared to 2021, a 193% increase in its global customer base from April 2021 to April 2022, and reached customers in three different geographical regions.


Industry: Jewelry

Traffic: 7.160M/month

Rank: #1,523 (India) & #21,585 (Global)

LSKDthương hiệu quốc tế sử dụng Shopify Plus


Founded in 2007, LSKD (short for ‘Loose Kid’) is an Australian-based apparel brand specializing in high-quality athletic wear with a street style and a focus on fitness functionality. Although LSKD began as a wholesaler, it has since reinvented itself as a vibrant consumer-oriented brand with online retail at the core of its operations. The company has also made a name for itself in physical retail, opening several stores both domestically and internationally.

As LSKD planned its international expansion into the United States, the brand aimed to ensure a highly personalized customer experience. Despite having a system capable of serving shoppers in multiple countries, LSKD needed a more flexible and easily manageable system. Consequently, LSKD transitioned to Shopify Plus and used the expansion store feature to quickly and easily create a new store targeting the US market. Using the online store in the US as a springboard, LSKD opened a physical store in San Diego and pop-up shops at sports events nationwide. All these operations were smoothly run on Shopify POS.


Industry: Fashion

Traffic: 2.112M/month

Rank: #1,182 (Australia) & #70,075 (Global)

Oh My Creamthương hiệu quốc tế sử dụng Shopify Plus


Oh My Cream is a French cosmetics brand founded in 2012, with an omnichannel strategy as its core focus. Oh My Cream currently operates both physical stores and an eCommerce website. As of now, the company has expanded internationally with over 20 retail stores, including two in London, and a bilingual website.

To customize and optimize the omnichannel experience, Oh My Cream implemented Shopify Plus. The unique and superior omnichannel features of Shopify Plus met Oh My Cream’s expectations. Additionally, Oh My Cream transitioned its outdated payment system to Shopify POS to collect more comprehensive customer data. After optimizing the omnichannel experience with Shopify Plus, Oh My Cream increased the average customer lifetime value by 50%, the average basket value by 25%, and enhanced data collection to implement a loyalty program.


Industry: Cosmetics

Traffic: 602,976/month

Rank: #7,537 (France) & #180,940 (Global)

Glamlitethương hiệu quốc tế sử dụng Shopify Plus


Glamlite, a cosmetics brand founded in 2018 in Los Angeles, is renowned for its colorful lipsticks and eyeshadow palettes. Glamlite launched its e-commerce website using Shopify Plus from the beginning and initially sold products internationally. However, their growth rate was not promising due to high USPS shipping costs, long delivery times, and the inability to track international packages.

The lack of international tracking by USPS left Glamlite and their customers unaware of the whereabouts of shipments, with some customers never receiving their orders. Unsurprisingly, Glamlite’s customer retention rate and international sales were significantly lower than expected. However, after implementing Shopify Market Pro, Glamlite overcame these issues, resulting in:

  • 2.25 times growth in international sales
  • A 24% increase in the average order value of international sales
  • A 65% increase in conversion rates in the UK market
  • A 77% increase in conversion rates in the German market


Industry: Cosmetics

Traffic: 376,734/month

Rank: #56,604 (USA) & #316,746 (Global)

Kohthương hiệu quốc tế sử dụng Shopify Plus


Koh is a brand specializing in producing and supplying chemical-free, eco-friendly cleaning products. Two years after its establishment, Koh achieved $50 million in revenue. The eCommerce website was converting well but started to look outdated. The product line was also expanding, creating opportunities for upselling, cross-selling, and promotions that were not being fully utilized. Global expansion was also on the agenda, and Koh’s founder, Alexander, wanted a solution that would allow Koh to grow without limitations.

After operating on Shopify for some time, Koh decided to upgrade to Shopify Plus. The expansion store feature of Shopify Plus enabled Koh to scale seamlessly into new regions with custom payment tools to improve conversion rates. For example, Koh could customize the checkout process using third-party apps like Rebuy for comprehensive personalization, upselling, and cross-selling with A/B testing, and Klaviyo for better product recommendations. Finally, the Launchpad scheduling tool allowed the team at Koh to quickly set up and schedule promotional and sales events.


Industry: Home and Garden

Traffic: 371,270/month

Rank: #5,902 (Australia) & #310,539 (Global)

Final Words

The stories of Oh My Cream, Koh, LSKD, Glamlite, and GIVA showcased in Part 2 of our series exemplify the dynamic possibilities that emerge when innovative brands embrace Shopify Plus for international growth. From pioneering new markets to enhancing customer experiences through tailored eCommerce solutions, these brands have demonstrated resilience, creativity, and strategic foresight in their expansion efforts.

Stay tuned for Part 3 of our series, where we’ll uncover more success stories and strategies as brands continue to thrive with Shopify Plus on their path to global expansion.

Top 8 Brands Embrace eCommerce Automation with Shopify Plus
Top 8 Brands Embrace eCommerce Automation with Shopify Plus

In today’s digital age, eCommerce automation not only helps businesses optimize their sales processes but also creates a seamless shopping experience for customers. Shopify Plus has become one of the most popular SaaS eCommerce platforms, helping both large and small brands automate and enhance their business efficiency. Below is a list of leading brands that have successfully automated their eCommerce with Shopify Plus.

1. Good AmericanGood American

Good American, the renowned fashion brand co-founded by Khloé Kardashian, achieved $1 million in sales on the first day of operating its sales system on the Shopify Plus platform. Building on this success, the brand established multiple automated processes to eliminate manual tasks, allowing its team to focus on providing customers with a rich shopping experience and excellent support services.

Good American utilized Shopify Flow to automatically tag products as “Out of Stock” on their website for items that are sold out and “Low Stock” for items that have reached a certain inventory threshold. This not only improved inventory management but also encouraged customers to purchase items that were running low. Additionally, for out-of-stock products, customers could sign up to be notified when the items were back in stock, helping Good American reclaim potential lost sales.

With Shopify Flow, Good American was able to create nine automated processes in less than a day, significantly contributing to the overall efficiency of their eCommerce operations.


Industry: Fashion

Traffic: 2.9M/month

Rank: #9,462 (USA) & #48,565 (Global)

2. BoodyBoody

Boody is an Australian brand specializing in eco-friendly clothing, founded in 2012. After operating on the complex Magento platform for several years, the brand decided to switch to Shopify Plus for its specialized solutions and user-friendly interface. This transition allowed Boody to easily customize and provide their customers with a more engaging and seamless online shopping experience while expanding into international markets.

After switching platforms, Boody leveraged Shopify Flow to automate several key eCommerce processes, including order processing, email marketing, payments, and inventory management. This automation enabled Boody’s team to focus more on business strategies and market expansion. As a result, Boody has expanded to 10 different international stores and increased its online revenue share from 0% to 70%.


Industry: Fashion

Traffic: 1.1M/month

Rank: #1,420 (Australia) & #85,881 (Global)

3. PaperlikePaperlike

Paperlike is known for producing and supplying accessories for iPads. Given the small team and limited technological resources at Paperlike, operational efficiency is a top priority for their eCommerce activities. After running their eCommerce website on the standard Shopify platform for a long time, Paperlike switched to Shopify Plus to find solutions to handle their increasing sales volume.

Despite having a small team, Paperlike successfully operates their Shopify Plus store thanks to unique automation tools such as Flow, LaunchPad, and Script.

  • Website:
  • Industry: iPad accessories
  • Traffic: 1.1M/month
  • Rank: #68,046 (USA) & #149,026 (Global)

4. Mandaue FoamMandaue Foam

Since its establishment in 1971, Mandaue Foam has become an indispensable name in the furniture industry in the Philippines. After four years of using the standard version of Shopify, Mandaue Foam upgraded to Shopify Plus to seek solutions for expansion and customization.

The brand utilized LaunchPad—a feature exclusive to Shopify Plus—to schedule marketing campaigns and automate product price updates and discounts. Since LaunchPad allows real-time tracking of each campaign’s performance, the Mandaue Foam team could understand customer behavior and adjust their campaigns accordingly.

Additionally, using Shopify Flow, Mandaue Foam automated their order management process. They created a workflow where, once an order is placed, one of their 28 physical locations with inventory for that product is notified to process the order. This ensured swift order fulfillment while eliminating the need for manual order tracking.

The platform switch and the implementation of eCommerce automation helped Mandaue Foam achieve a 200% increase in order volume, a 151% year-over-year increase in total sales, and a 16% increase in customer return rate.

  • Website:
  • Industry: Furniture
  • Traffic: 486,503/month
  • Rank: #2,745 (Philippines) & #170,520 (Global)

5. FatheadFathead

Fathead is a provider of decorative products and decals featuring famous cartoon characters, superstars, and top athletes. The eCommerce system at Fathead encountered numerous issues over time, including frequent errors, poor performance, and time-consuming manual processes.

To address these challenges, Fathead decided to migrate to Shopify Plus for its easy and flexible customization options on a user-friendly interface. Fathead leveraged Shop Pay to simplify the checkout process, providing a streamlined shopping experience and boosting conversion rates. The brand also utilized Shopify Flow to set up multiple automated processes, including optimizing order processing. As a result, Fathead increased average order value by 46%, conversion rates by 10%, and overall revenue by 50%.


Industry: Sport

Traffic: 478,683/month

Rank: #45,624 (USA) & #268,411 (Global)

6. Doe BeautyDoe Beauty

Doe Beauty is a beloved Korean cosmetics brand across Asia. From the early days of eCommerce, Doe Beauty built its website on the Shopify platform. Later, witnessing rapid growth and the need for system expansion, Doe Beauty decided to switch to Shopify Plus. Since then, 80% of the operations on their Shopify Plus store have been automated.

Thanks to Shopify Flow, Doe Beauty’s team can focus on creative and strategic business aspects. The order processing and inventory management are optimized and automatically monitored, enabling faster delivery. As a result, Doe Beauty provides customers with a smooth and convenient shopping experience. E-commerce automation with Shopify Plus has helped the Doe Beauty team save an average of 4 hours and increase the average order value by 5%.

  • Website:
  • Industry: Cosmetics
  • Traffic: 294,315/month
  • Rank: #47,193 (USA) & #291,920 (Global)

7. Jack RogersJack Rogers

For over 60 years, Jack Rogers’ sandals and shoes have been loved by generations of consumers across the United States. Dissatisfied with their existing eCommerce system, Jack Rogers switched to Shopify Plus. This move provided access to a comprehensive infrastructure and outstanding solutions, optimizing inventory management—a persistent issue for Jack Rogers over the years.

After transitioning to the Shopify Plus store, the brand leveraged Shopify Flow to automate several operational processes, freeing their team from time-consuming manual tasks. The intuitive and user-friendly interface of Shopify Plus allowed the Jack Rogers team to easily add and edit products and categories, set up sales campaigns, and run advertisements. This led to remarkable growth in a short time, with website traffic increasing by over 60% and conversion rates by more than 30%.

8. CozykidsCozykids

Cozykids is a popular destination for children’s products in Greece. The old WordPress-based system at Cozykids faced numerous issues due to manual operations and inadequate performance. As a result, Cozykids switched to Shopify Plus in search of a solution for performance and automation problems.

By using Shopify Flow, Cozykids automated inventory management for out-of-stock and low-stock products, eliminating the need for staff to manually monitor inventory levels. Additionally, Cozykids used Flow to automate customer interactions with out-of-stock products, allowing customers to pre-order at a discounted price and sign up for notifications when the products were back in stock. This automation was particularly important for the marketing team, as it helped them know when to stop promoting low-stock items and focus on other products.

For launching and promoting new products, Cozykids used Shopify LaunchPad to automate these processes. With both Flow and LaunchPad, Cozykids increased eCommerce website traffic by 40% and revenue by 80%. Additionally, the automated processes significantly reduced the time staff spent monitoring inventory levels, decreased errors from manual operations, and enhanced operational efficiency.


Industry: Children’s products

Traffic: 61,781/month

Rank: #12,177 (Greece) & #1,386,032 (Global)

Final Words

eCommerce automation not only helps brands optimize their operational processes but also creates a better shopping experience for customers. The aforementioned brands have successfully used Shopify to enhance business efficiency and build customer trust. Shopify has proven to be a powerful and flexible tool, supporting businesses of all sizes and across various industries.

Need advice on implementing eCommerce automation with Shopify Plus? Contact SECOMM today!

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What is Sustainable eCommerce? How to Become a Responsible Merchant?

eCommerce has become an integral part of our daily lives, offering unparalleled convenience and access to a vast array of products. However, as the industry continues to grow, so does its environmental footprint. From excessive packaging waste to carbon emissions from shipping, the environmental impact of eCommerce cannot be ignored. This brings us to the concept of sustainable eCommerce—a transformative approach that seeks to minimize the negative environmental effects of online retail while promoting ethical business practices.

Sustainable eCommerce is not just a trend; it’s a response to the increasing consumer demand for environmentally friendly and socially responsible products. A survey shows that 72% of respondents reported that they were actively buying more environmentally friendly products than they did five years ago, while 81% said they expected to buy even more over the next five years.

In this blog, we will delve into the essence of sustainable eCommerce, explore its importance, examine the growing demand for it, and provide practical steps on how you can become a responsible merchant.

What is sustainable eCommerce?

Sustainable eCommerce refers to the practice of conducting online business in a way that minimizes environmental impact and promotes social responsibility. At its core, it involves making mindful decisions at every stage of the business process, from product sourcing and manufacturing to packaging, shipping, and customer engagement. The goal is to reduce the carbon footprint, minimize waste, and ensure that ethical standards are upheld throughout the supply chain.

Key components of sustainable eCommerce

There are some common components in the eCommerce sustainability, including:

2.1 Eco-Friendly Products

Offering products that are made from sustainable materials, are biodegradable, or have a lower environmental impact is crucial. This means choosing materials that are renewable, such as organic cotton or bamboo, over conventional materials that may deplete natural resources or cause pollution. Additionally, promoting products that are ethically sourced ensures that they are produced under fair labor conditions, respecting workers’ rights and contributing to social sustainability.

2.2 Sustainable Packaging

Sustainable packaging involves using materials that can be recycled, are biodegradable, or are made from recycled content. For instance, using cardboard boxes made from recycled paper or packing peanuts that are biodegradable can greatly reduce the environmental footprint. This approach not only minimizes waste but also appeals to environmentally conscious consumers.

2.3 Energy Efficiency

Reducing energy consumption in the warehousing and logistics aspects of eCommerce is another critical component. This can be achieved by:

  • Using Renewable Energy: Powering warehouses and offices with solar, wind, or other renewable energy sources.
  • Optimizing Delivery Routes: Using route optimization software to minimize fuel usage and emissions during delivery.
  • Investing in Energy-Saving Technologies: Implementing LED lighting, energy-efficient HVAC systems, and other technologies that reduce overall energy consumption.

2.4 Waste Reduction

Minimizing waste throughout the entire eCommerce process is essential. This involves:

  • Efficient Inventory Management: Using systems that prevent overstocking and reduce the likelihood of unsold goods going to waste.
  • Recycling Programs: Implementing robust recycling programs in warehouses and encouraging customers to recycle packaging materials.
  • Designing Durable Products: Creating products with a longer life cycle, which reduces the need for frequent replacements and lowers the overall waste generated.

2.5 Ethical Business Practices

Ensuring that all business practices are ethical and transparent is fundamental to sustainable eCommerce. This includes:

  • Fair Labor Practices: Treating all employees and suppliers fairly, ensuring safe working conditions, and providing fair wages.
  • Supporting Fair Trade: Sourcing products that adhere to fair trade principles, which support better prices, decent working conditions, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in developing countries.
  • Transparency: Being open and honest with consumers about the sustainability efforts and practices of the business. This can build trust and loyalty among customers who value ethical and responsible business operations.

By integrating these key components to strategies, eCommerce businesses can significantly reduce their environmental impact, support social responsibility, and meet the growing demand from consumers for more sustainable and ethical products.

Why is eCommerce sustainability important?

Understanding the importance of eCommerce sustainability is crucial for businesses looking to thrive in today’s market. Here are several reasons why adopting sustainable practices in eCommerce is vital:

3.1 Environmental Impact

The environmental impact of traditional eCommerce practices is significant. From the excessive use of plastic packaging to the carbon emissions from shipping and logistics, the eCommerce industry contributes to environmental degradation. By adopting sustainable practices, businesses can significantly reduce their carbon footprint, decrease pollution, and help conserve natural resources. Sustainable eCommerce practices, such as using eco-friendly packaging and optimizing delivery routes, play a vital role in mitigating the industry’s environmental impact.

3.2 Consumer Behavior

Consumer behavior is shifting towards sustainability. More and more customers are becoming environmentally conscious and prefer to purchase from brands that align with their values. Studies show that a growing number of consumers are willing to pay a premium for products that are sustainably produced and packaged. By adopting sustainable practices, eCommerce businesses can meet this demand, attract a broader customer base, and enhance customer loyalty. Being a responsible and eco-friendly brand can also differentiate a business in a crowded market.

3.3 Business Benefits

Sustainable eCommerce practices can lead to significant business benefits. These include cost savings from reduced waste and energy consumption, improved brand reputation, and increased customer loyalty. Businesses that prioritize sustainability can also access new markets and opportunities, such as partnerships with other eco-friendly brands and certifications that can enhance credibility. Additionally, sustainable practices can lead to innovation, as companies find new ways to reduce their environmental impact and improve efficiency.

3.4 Regulatory Compliance

Governments and regulatory bodies are increasingly implementing stricter environmental regulations. Businesses that do not comply with these regulations risk facing fines, penalties, and damage to their reputation. By adopting sustainable practices, eCommerce businesses can stay ahead of regulatory changes, ensure compliance, and avoid potential legal issues. Proactively embracing sustainability also positions businesses as leaders in their industry, setting an example for others to follow.

3.5 Long-Term Viability

Sustainability is essential for the long-term viability of businesses. As natural resources become scarcer and environmental issues become more pressing, companies that do not adopt sustainable practices may face higher costs and supply chain disruptions. By integrating sustainability into their business model, eCommerce companies can ensure they are resilient to future challenges and are better prepared for a changing market landscape. Sustainable practices also contribute to a positive corporate image, which can attract investors and stakeholders who prioritize responsible business operations.

How to become a sustainable eCommerce business

Becoming a sustainable eCommerce business involves implementing practices that minimize environmental impact and promote social responsibility. Here are key steps to help you achieve sustainability:

4.1 Optimize Supply Chain

Optimizing your supply chain is crucial for sustainability. This involves sourcing materials and products from suppliers who adhere to ethical and environmental standards.

  • Ethical Sourcing: Choose suppliers that provide eco-friendly materials, such as recycled or renewable resources. Ensure that these suppliers follow fair labor practices and maintain high environmental standards.
  • Local Suppliers: Whenever possible, source products locally to reduce the carbon footprint associated with long-distance transportation.
  • Supplier Audits: Regularly audit your suppliers to ensure they comply with your sustainability criteria and make improvements where necessary.

4.2 Optimize Shipping Strategy

Shipping is a significant contributor to the environmental footprint of eCommerce. Optimizing your shipping strategy can help reduce emissions and improve efficiency.

  • Route Optimization: Use software to plan the most efficient delivery routes, reducing fuel consumption and emissions.
  • Eco-Friendly Shipping Options: Offer customers eco-friendly shipping options, such as slower shipping methods that are less carbon-intensive.
  • Carbon Offsetting: Invest in carbon offset programs to compensate for the emissions generated by shipping activities. This can include projects like reforestation or renewable energy initiatives.

4.3 Offer Recyclable Packaging

Packaging is a major source of waste in eCommerce. Switching to recyclable packaging can significantly reduce environmental impact.

  • Sustainable Materials: Use packaging materials that are recyclable, biodegradable, or made from recycled content, such as cardboard, paper, or compostable plastics.
  • Minimal Packaging: Design packaging to be minimal yet protective, reducing the amount of material used.
  • Customer Education: Include clear instructions on how customers can recycle or dispose of packaging materials responsibly. You can also encourage customers to reuse packaging for other purposes.

4.4 Join Environmental Charities

Supporting environmental charities and initiatives can enhance your sustainability efforts and demonstrate your commitment to making a positive impact.

  • Partnerships: Partner with environmental organizations to support projects like reforestation, conservation, or clean energy. This not only contributes to environmental sustainability but also enhances your brand image.
  • Donations: Allocate a portion of your profits to donate to environmental causes. Publicize these efforts to show customers that their purchases contribute to a greater good.
  • Employee Engagement: Encourage your employees to participate in environmental volunteer activities and promote sustainability within your organization.

By implementing these strategies, your eCommerce business can significantly reduce its environmental impact, meet the growing demand for sustainable practices, and build a loyal customer base that values social responsibility. Adopting sustainability is not only good for the planet but also beneficial for your business’s long-term success.

Final words

eCommerce sustainability is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Consumers are increasingly prioritizing eco-friendly and socially responsible brands, and businesses must adapt to meet this demand. Embracing sustainable eCommerce practices, businesses can make informed decisions that contribute to a healthier planet.

14 Brands Migrate from WooCommerce to Shopify Plus
Top 14+ Brands Migrate from WooCommerce to Shopify Plus Pt3

Building upon the narratives in parts 1 and 2, this third part invites you to delve into the stories of the remaining brands within the series of 14 that migrate from WooCommerce to Shopify Plus. Explore how this strategic decision has led to their success in terms of sales and paved the way for sustainable growth in the future.

1. Alternative BrewingAlternative Brewing

Alternative Brewing is a leading brand in Australia specializing in providing high quality coffee making equipment and utensils. After operating on WooCommerce, Alternative Brewing encountered a problem. WooCommerce eCommerce websites require constant maintenance, causing a lot of worry on shopping occasions like Black Friday or Cyber Monday.

Within 4 months of converting to the Shopify Plus platform, Alternative Brewing’s new eCommerce website loaded faster and had faster checkout, helping the brand significantly increase average order value. Shopify Plus platform with an intuitive, user-friendly interface, Alternative Brewing does not need to deal with a lot of complicated code. This allows the Alternative Brewing team to focus on growing their business and make more informed decisions with Shopify’s in-depth reports and analytics.


Industry: FnB

Traffic: 919,295/month

Rank: #3,071 (Australia) & #144,195 (Global)

2. DuradryDuradry

Duradry is a leading personal care brand that offers effective antiperspirant products. Operating on WooCommerce costs Duradry a lot of money when testing many different marketing campaigns. The brand migrated to the Shopify Plus platform to take advantage of many exclusive tools and solutions that help them optimize operations and deploy marketing processes more effectively.

Duradry also leverages Shopify Collabs to partner with popular content creators to drive marketing success, bringing Duradry products to more potential customers. The result was 250 content creators joining Duradry’s community, $50k in sales through Shopify Collabs in less than 7 months.


Industry: Beauty & Cosmetics

Traffic: 386,080/month

Rank: #119,405 (USA) & #445,775 (Global)

3. AMR Hair & BeautyAMR Hair & Beauty

AMR Hair & Beauty is one of the leading suppliers of hair care and beauty products in Australia. Established in 2004, AMR has quickly grown to become a trusted destination for hair salons and individual consumers.

Although WooCommerce has served AMR Hair & Beauty well for many years, with the rapid growth of the business, the platform began to show its limitations. Among them are limited scalability, difficult order management, poor security, and suboptimal customer support.

After switching to Shopify Plus, AMR Hair & Beauty leveraged the B2B on Shopify solution to build a wholesale store and further customize advanced search features and filtering options. This means AMR Hair & Beauty’s B2B customers can quickly narrow down search results and view products along with prices and offers. As a result, AMR Hair & Beauty increased sales by 200%, average B2B order value by 77%, and conversion rate by 93%.


Industry: Beauty & Cosmetics

Traffic: 258,448/month

Rank: #8,360 (Australia) & #381,873 (Global)

4. Abode LivingAbode Living

Abode Living was founded in 1991 and since then the brand has become Australia’s leading supplier of luxury bed linen, using the highest quality European fabrics and sewing products in its own factories. I’m in Australia.

With the need to increase online sales in Australia and other markets, and upgrade customer experience. However, the previous platform the company used, WooCommerce, did not offer enough flexibility to customize advanced features. WooCommerce also doesn’t give Abode Living the ability to add international marketplaces to its existing eCommerce system. Switching to Shopify Plus met all of Abode Living’s goals. The brand saw a 15% increase in average order value, faster page load speeds, and faster responses.


Industry: Home Funishing

Traffic: 16,645/month

Rank: #57,874 (Australia) & #2,352,607 (Global)

Final Words

So, SECOMM has gathered insights from 14 representative brands that courageously stepped out of the “WooCommerce world” to revamp their eCommerce websites with Shopify Plus. These brands prioritize customer experience and streamlined processes, inspiring others to confidently opt for platform migration.

Contact SECOMM or call directly at (+84)28 7108 9908 for advice and implementation of the eCommerce migration process from WooCommerce to Shopify Plus today!

14 Brands Migrate from WooCommerce to Shopify Plus
Top 14+ Brands Migrate from WooCommerce to Shopify Plus Pt2

When it comes to brands that re-platformed from WooCommerce to Shopify Plus, it’s good to read their success stories in sales behind.

In the second part of this series, let’s continue to delve into more brands that chose to migrate their eCommerce platforms from WooCommerce to Shopify Plus, and explore how this decision paved the way for boundless success.

1. HiSmileHiSmile Shopify Plus

HiSmile is a globally renowned brand for teeth whitening products, aiming to help customers achieve a bright, confident smile. Founded in 2014 in Australia, HiSmile quickly gained attention due to its high-quality, easy-to-use, and effective products.

In the early days of its eCommerce operations, HiSmile’s WooCommerce website performed well. However, as HiSmile gained recognition and became more popular, website traffic began to surge, especially during sales events. Page load issues and site crashes cost the HiSmile team a lot of money in repairs and maintenance. Therefore, they decided to seek a more robust and stable solution and chose Shopify Plus.

With the new Shopify Plus website, HiSmile boosted its social media sales strategy and expanded into the global market. To date, HiSmile has attracted over three million social media followers, 5.5 billion social media impressions, and over 1.5 billion views on its social media videos. These numbers demonstrate the brand’s extensive customer reach. Additionally, global sales have significantly increased since the transition.


Industry: Beauty & Cosmetics

Traffic: 4.55M/month

Rank: #10,390 (USA) & #33,392 (Global)

2. Muscle NationMuscle Nation Shopify Plus

Muscle Nation is renowned in the fitness and sports fashion industry, established with the goal of providing high-quality products tailored to the needs of fitness enthusiasts. The Muscle Nation team focuses on delivering an optimal customer experience and implements social media sales strategies. In its first year, the brand earned $1 million in revenue. At that time, Muscle Nation only had a basic website with eCommerce integration, which led to performance issues and a decline in sales.

Since transitioning to the Shopify Plus platform, Muscle Nation has leveraged the superior ecosystem of apps and tools offered by Plus to customize customer experiences and specific features. The brand uses Shopify Flow to manage high-risk orders and tag customers, Launchpad to handle product releases and event launches, and Peoplevox for warehouse management.

As a result, Muscle Nation generated over $4 million in revenue on Black Friday 2019 and handled more than 208,000 customers shopping simultaneously without any website issues.


Industry: Fashion

Traffic: 961,900/month

Rank: #2,676 (Australia) & #137,488 (Global)

3. JunglückJunglück Shopify Plus

Junglück is a renowned cosmetics brand in Germany, known for its natural and environmentally friendly skincare products. Initially, Junglück used WooCommerce to manage its online store. However, with the brand’s rapid growth, WooCommerce began to show limitations, including slow page load speeds, poor website performance, and restricted integration and scalability.

The cosmetics brand decided to switch to the Shopify Plus platform. This transition allowed Junglück to seamlessly integrate with various third-party systems such as CRM and ERP, enhancing operational efficiency. As a result, Junglück increased its revenue sevenfold since implementing the Shopify Plus website, boosted average order value by 22%, and improved conversion rates by 34%.


Industry: Beauty & Cosmetics

Traffic: 355,059/month

Rank: #12,653 (Germany) & #308,899 (Global)

4. LVLYLVLY Shopify Plus

LVLY is a prominent brand in the gift and fresh flower arrangement industry, known for its sophistication and modern style. Each LVLY product is meticulously designed and delivered promptly to the recipient, perfectly conveying messages of love and care.

Previously, LVLY used the WordPress platform and WooCommerce plugin to build its eCommerce website. The brand encountered many customization limitations, and the basic features gradually failed to support expansion. Particularly during major shopping events, the system became overloaded and couldn’t handle the high traffic volume. LVLY decided to switch to the Shopify Plus platform. The platform migration took less than 90 days without reducing the conversion rate. The scalability of Shopify Plus helped LVLY achieve its biggest Valentine’s Day sales ever in 2023. Personalization options and add-ons, which LVLY could not implement on its previous platform, also played a crucial role in the cross-sell/up-sell strategy during this shopping event.


Industry: Gifts & Flowers

Traffic: 354,352/month

Rank: #6,734 (Australia) & #334,427 (Global)

5. Mandaue FoamMandaue Foam Shopify Plus

Since its establishment in 1971, Mandaue Foam has become an indispensable name in the furniture industry in the Philippines. After four years of using the standard Shopify version, Mandaue Foam upgraded to Shopify Plus to seek solutions for expansion and customization.

The brand utilized LaunchPad – an exclusive feature of Shopify Plus – to schedule marketing campaigns and automate product price updates and discounts. Because LaunchPad allows tracking the performance of each campaign in real-time, the Mandaue Foam team can understand customer behavior and adjust campaigns accordingly.

Next, with Shopify Flow, Mandaue Foam automated its order management process by creating a workflow where, as soon as an order is placed, one of the 28 physical locations with inventory for that product is notified to process the order. This process ensures order fulfillment speed while eliminating the need for manual order tracking.

The platform switch and the implementation of eCommerce automation have helped Mandaue Foam increase order volume by 200%, total sales by 151% YOY, and customer return rate by 16%.


Industry: Furniture

Traffic: 486,503/month

Rank: #2,745 (Philippines) & #170,520 (Global)

Final Words

Here are the next 5 brands in the series re-platform from WooCommerce to Shopify Plus. Throughout SECOMM’s process of executing platform conversion projects, whether from WooCommerce or any other eCommerce platform to Shopify Plus, the pivotal factor determining success is a detailed and well-structured conversion plan.

Contact SECOMM or directly call the hotline at (028 7108 9908) to collaborate on devising the optimal plan for the platform migration to Shopify Plus.

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