Shopify Flow – Your Best eCommerce Automation Tool

Author: Jennifer Diep
Publish date: 14/06/2024

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In the fast-paced digital world, eCommerce automation and efficiency are key to staying ahead of the competition. With countless tasks to manage, from inventory updates to customer engagement businesses need reliable tools to streamline their operations. Enter Shopify Flow, a powerful automation tool designed specifically for Shopify users. Shopify Flow allows merchants to automate repetitive tasks, freeing up valuable time and resources to focus on growing their business.

In this blog, we’ll explore how Shopify Flow works, its key features, and the benefits it can bring to your eCommerce operations. Whether you’re a seasoned Shopify user or new to the platform, understanding how to leverage Shopify Flow can be a game-changer for your business.

1. What is Shopify Flow?What is Shopify Flow

Shopify Flow is an innovative automation tool designed exclusively for Shopify merchants, enabling them to streamline and simplify their business operations. It provides a visual interface where users can create custom workflows to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks without the need for any coding skills.

Shopify Flow is available at all plans: Basic, Shopify, Advanced and Plus.

2. How does your workflow automation work on Shopify Flow?How does your workflow automation work on Shopify Flow

At its core, Shopify Flow uses a combination of triggers, conditions, and actions to build the workflows. A trigger initiates the workflow, a condition specifies criteria that must be met, and an action defines what happens when the criteria are met.

For example:

  • The order is placed (Trigger)
  • The order value exceeds a certain amount (Condition)
  • An email notification is sent to the sales team (Action)

This tool is particularly valuable for automating processes such as inventory management, fraud prevention, loyalty and retention, fulfillment management and marketing campaigns. By automating these tasks, Shopify Flow helps businesses improve efficiency, reduce human error, and ensure consistent execution of key operations.

Shopify Flow also integrates seamlessly with a variety of Shopify apps and third-party tools, making it a versatile solution for businesses looking to optimize their workflows. Whether you’re running a small online store or managing a large eCommerce enterprise, Shopify Flow offers the flexibility and scalability to meet your automation needs.

3. How to create and manage workflow automation with Shopify Flow

Creating and managing workflow automation with Shopify Flow is a straightforward process that can significantly enhance your eCommerce operations.

  • To start the new workflow, you’ll follow these steps:

Step 1: Open up the Shopify Flow editor, then select “Create workflow”

Step 2: Click “Select a trigger” from a searchable list of native triggers of Shopify or those from 3rd-party apps to start the workflow.

Step 3: Click on the Blue button to choose to add either condition or action

Step 4: Select “Condition” to set rules to determine if the action executes.

Step 5: Click “Then” to set action for the true condition. Or “otherwise” to set action for the false condition.

Step 6: Click “turn on”, the button in the top right corner will turn green and show is on.

You can also leverage the templates library. Here, you’ll find the pre-made workflows that you can use right away or edit to fit your business needs.

  • To modifying the existing workflow, you’ll follow these steps:

Step 1: To add new action items by clicking on any blank space in the editor, select the “Action” button. All of available options will appear

Step 2: Search specific action on the search bar and simply select the action
Step 3: Connect the new action to the existing workflow by selecting the “Then” button from your condition and linking it to your new action.

  • To deleting and reordering any unnecessary pieces of the workflow, you’ll need:

Step 1: Click on remove the action

Step 2: Some actions now no longer connected. You’ll need to link them back to the rest of your workflow.

Step 3: You can link them to the condition or to other actions.

4. Key features of Shopify FlowKey features of Shopify Flow

Shopify Flow is packed with features that make it a powerful tool for eCommerce automation. Here are 3 core features you should notice

4.1 No-code building blocks

At the heart of Shopify Flow are its intuitive building blocks: triggers, conditions, and actions, which allows you to create your custom eCommerce automation processes. Triggers initiate workflows based on specific events, conditions set criteria that must be met for the workflow to proceed, and actions define what tasks will be executed. This modular approach helps you create highly customized workflows tailored to your unique business needs, enabling precise automation of complex processes without any coding knowledge.

4.2 Plug-and-play templates

Shopify Flow offers a variety of pre-built templates that cover common eCommerce scenarios such as inventory management, customer segmentation, and order processing. These templates provide a quick and easy way to implement automation, allowing you to get started with minimal effort. Each template can be customized to fit specific requirements, making it an excellent starting point for those new to automation.

4.3 Connector apps

To extend its capabilities, Shopify Flow allows you to integrate seamlessly with numerous third-party apps. This feature allows you to automate workflows that span multiple tools and platforms. For example, you can connect Shopify Flow with email marketing apps, CRM systems, and inventory management software to create comprehensive, cross-functional automations. This integration capability ensures that all aspects of your eCommerce operations are synchronized and efficient.

5. Benefits of using Shopify FlowBenefits of using Shopify Flow

Utilizing Shopify Flow for eCommerce automation offers a multitude of advantages that can significantly enhance business operations. Here are some of them:

5.1 Time-Saving

Shopify Flow automates repetitive and time-consuming tasks, such as inventory updates, order processing, and customer follow-ups. By automating these processes, you can save valuable time that can be redirected towards strategic activities, such as marketing, product development, and customer engagement.

5.2 Error Reduction

Manual data entry and repetitive tasks are prone to human error, which can lead to costly mistakes. Shopify Flow minimizes these risks by ensuring that tasks are performed consistently and accurately. Automation reduces the likelihood of errors in critical processes like order fulfillment, inventory management, and customer communications.

5.3 Improved Efficiency

Automation streamlines workflows, making business operations more efficient. With Shopify Flow, tasks are executed automatically based on predefined triggers and conditions, eliminating the need for manual intervention. This efficiency leads to faster processing times, better resource allocation, and improved overall productivity.

5.4 Scalability

As your business grows, managing increasing volumes of orders, customers, and data can become challenging. Shopify Flow provides a scalable solution that can handle higher workloads without additional effort. Automated workflows can easily be adjusted and expanded to accommodate growth, ensuring that your business operations remain smooth and efficient as you scale.

5.5 Consistency and Reliability

Automated workflows ensure that processes are carried out consistently, adhering to the same standards every time. This reliability is crucial for maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction and operational excellence. Consistent execution of tasks also helps in building trust with customers and partners.

6. Limits of using Shopify FlowLimits of using Shopify Flow

While Shopify Flow is a powerful tool for automating eCommerce operations, it’s important to be aware of its limitations and challenges. Here are some key considerations:

6.1 Limited Customization

Although Shopify Flow offers a variety of triggers, conditions, and actions, there may be scenarios where the available options do not fully meet specific business needs. Advanced customization might require additional development work or third-party apps to fill in the gaps. This can lead to increased complexity and potential costs.

6.2 Integration Challenges

While Shopify Flow integrates with many third-party apps, there can be limitations in compatibility or functionality with certain tools. Businesses relying on specialized software may find it challenging to create seamless workflows without encountering integration issues. In some cases, additional middleware or custom API development may be necessary.

6.3 Scalability of Complex Workflows

As businesses grow and their operational needs become more complex, managing a large number of workflows can become challenging. Ensuring that workflows are optimized and do not conflict with each other requires careful planning and ongoing maintenance. Overly complex workflows might also become difficult to troubleshoot and update.

7. Real-world examples

Several successful businesses have leveraged Shopify Flow to streamline their operations and achieve impressive results. Here are a few real-world examples:

7.1 Good American

Good American, a leading fashion brand co-founded by Khloé Kardashian, uses Shopify Flow to automate various aspects of their eCommerce operations. By implementing workflows that manage inventory levels, segment customers, and trigger personalized marketing campaigns, Good American has been able to enhance efficiency and improve customer engagement. These automations have allowed the brand to focus more on growth and less on manual administrative tasks.

7.2 Cozykids

Cozykids, an online retailer specializing in children’s furniture and decor, utilizes Shopify Flow to streamline their order processing and inventory management. Automated workflows ensure that stock levels are updated in real-time, reducing the risk of overselling and improving order fulfillment accuracy. Additionally, Cozykids uses Shopify Flow to send automated follow-up emails to customers, enhancing their post-purchase experience and increasing customer satisfaction.

7.3 Mandaue Foam

Mandaue Foam, a furniture and home decor company, has adopted Shopify Flow to manage their complex supply chain and customer service processes. With automated workflows in place, Mandaue Foam can efficiently handle large volumes of orders, track shipments, and manage customer inquiries. This automation not only improves operational efficiency but also provides a seamless shopping experience for their customers, contributing to higher customer retention and satisfaction.

Final Words

In this blog, we explored Shopify Flow’s capabilities, including its automation of workflows and key features such as building blocks, templates, and connector apps. We also discussed its benefits like time-saving and improved efficiency, as well as potential limitations.

Need more advice? Contact SECOMM today!

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5 Nền Tảng Triển Khai Thương Mại Điện Tử Quốc Tế
Top 5 eCommerce Platforms for International Selling

International eCommerce platforms are shaping the shopping trends of modern consumers worldwide, where geographical boundaries are no longer barriers to business activities. With the continuous development of technology and the internet, businesses have the opportunity to reach millions of customers around the globe more easily than ever. However, to succeed in the international market, choosing the right eCommerce platform is crucial.

In this article, let’s explore the top 5 platforms that effectively meet the needs of many businesses for implementing international eCommerce.

1. ShopifyTop 5 eCommerce Platforms for International Selling

Shopify is a well-known SaaS eCommerce platform for businesses worldwide. It offers an all-in-one solution called Shopify Markets, allowing businesses to start selling in over 150+ different markets and manage efficiently on a single dashboard. Shopify Markets comes in two versions:

  • Markets:

Integrated into all Shopify plans, providing core features including:

  • Translate and Adapt website content
  • Theme Editor
  • Custom domain or subdirectory settings
  • Product pricing customization by market
  • Localized checkout forms
  • Product catalogs by market
  • Managing multiple markets on a single dashboard

Fees are incurred per international transaction, including:

  • 3.9% per transaction for processing local payments
  • 0.85% per transaction for using tax and import duty calculation tools
  • 1.5% per transaction for currency conversion fees.
  • Markets Pro:

Includes all core features plus additional advanced features such as:

  • Exclusive shipping rates
  • Compliance with local taxes
  • Fraud prevention
  • Tax setup and labeling
  • Automatic tax remittance
  • Managing restrictions on international sales

The cost of Markets Pro is 6.5% per transaction, including local payment processing fees, so businesses do not need to pay this fee separately. Additionally, businesses will pay 2.5% per transaction for currency conversion fees.


  • Intuitive, user-friendly interface
  • Allows setup, optimization, and management of multiple international markets on a single dashboard
  • Supports multi-language, multi-currency configurations and setting specific prices for each market
  • Comprehensive solution without the need for third-party system support
  • Automates tax calculation and collection, optimizing expenditure planning
  • Offers local payment options without restrictions
  • Optimizes international SEO


  • Implementation costs may increase over time
  • Requires the Shopify Markets Pro version to access advanced features
  • Shopify’s website does not support language variants (e.g., Simplified/Traditional Chinese, Brazilian/European Portuguese)
  • High currency conversion fees: 1.5% per transaction for the standard version and 2.5% per transaction for the Pro version
  • Requires knowledge of international trade and a well-defined business strategy
  • Advanced or Plus plan upgrades are needed for complex customizations
  • Depend on the platform.

2. MagentoMagento

Implementing international eCommerce involves many challenges related to language, currency, and taxes, requiring websites to be optimally customized to provide the most engaging customer experience. This is why Magento is on this list.

Some standout features of Magento that support international commerce include:

  • Multi-store, multi-language, multi-currency, and multi-region management
  • URL localization, Meta Description, and targeted keywords
  • Currency selection and automatic conversion
  • Region-based tax calculation
  • Customizable formats
  • Efficient multi-location inventory management


  • Open-source code allows for easy customization and expansion of international stores.
  • Efficient centralized management of stores.
  • Optimization for international SEO.
  • Partnerships with hundreds of leading global payment gateways, enabling easy integration via API.
  • Partnerships with top shipping companies worldwide, allowing seamless integration via API.
  • Collaborations with reputable currency exchange services, ensuring competitive rates and providing customers with the best shopping experience.
  • Large Magento community, including developers and businesses, facilitating quick and effective support and collaboration.
  • In-depth technical support.


  • High initial implementation costs.
  • Complex implementation process with a typically long deployment time.
  • Requires knowledge of international trade and a well-defined business strategy.
  • Requires good technical skills for complex customizations.

3. BigCommerce


Similar to Shopify, BigCommerce is also a SaaS eCommerce platform that provides international eCommerce solutions. The platform offers features and tools to help businesses expand their operations in the international market simply and effectively.

Some standout features of BigCommerce supporting international eCommerce include:

  • Easy and quick setup of multiple stores, multi-currency, and multi-language options
  • Localization and personalization of the shopping and checkout experience for each international store
  • Management of all international stores on a single dashboard
  • Support for B2C and B2B deployment with customizable shopping experiences for each customer segment
  • A wide range of integrations for order processing and shipping


  • Intuitive, user-friendly interface
  • Quick setup and efficient centralized store management
  • Easy integration of international payment and shipping methods
  • Optimized processes for calculating and collecting taxes
  • Mobile-optimized design to reach a broader customer base
  • Support for implementing localized marketing strategies
  • Multilingual customer support services
  • Optimization for international SEO


  • Initial implementation fees are not disclosed, making it difficult to estimate costs
  • Requires knowledge of international trade and a well-defined business strategy
  • Dependence on the platform
  • Limited customization options compared to Open Source platforms
  • Restrictions on interface customization

4. OpenCartOpenCart

Similar to Magento, OpenCart is a popular open-source eCommerce platform used for international eCommerce implementation. This platform offers many useful features and tools, allowing businesses to better serve global customers.

Some standout features of OpenCart supporting international eCommerce include:

  • Management of multiple stores on a single dashboard
  • Customizable localization settings for international stores
  • Support for over 40 different languages
  • More than 36 integrated payment gateways and seamless integration with many other payment gateways available on the OpenCart marketplace
  • A wide range of popular global payment options integrated by default


  • High customization and scalability
  • Support for multiple languages and currencies
  • Partnerships with many leading global payment gateways, allowing easy integration via API
  • Partnerships with top global shipping companies, allowing seamless integration via API
  • Optimization for international SEO
  • Rich library of themes and extensions
  • Large user community


  • High initial implementation costs
  • Complex implementation process with typically long deployment times
  • Requires knowledge of international trade and a well-defined business strategy
  • Requires good technical skills for complex customizations

5. PrestaShopPrestaShop

Another widely used open-source eCommerce platform for international e-commerce implementation is PrestaShop. With excellent customization and scalability, as well as outstanding tools and features, PrestaShop is the perfect choice for businesses looking to expand globally.

Some standout features of PrestaShop supporting international eCommerce include:

  • Unlimited product and inventory management
  • Order and customer management
  • A wide range of global payment and shipping options
  • Management of multiple stores on a single dashboard
  • Advanced reporting and analytics


  • High customization and scalability
  • Partnerships with many global payment gateways, allowing integration via API
  • Partnerships with major global shipping companies, allowing seamless integration via API
  • Optimization for international SEO
  • Optimized tax calculation and collection


  • High initial implementation costs
  • Complex implementation process with typically long deployment times
  • Requires knowledge of international trade and a well-defined business strategy
  • Requires good technical skills for complex customizations
  • Occasional performance issues

The Bottom Line

The above provides an overview of the top 5 platforms for implementing international eCommerce, each with its advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the scale, budget, and technical requirements, businesses can choose the most suitable platform for themselves.

Regardless of the choice, investing in a robust and flexible eCommerce platform will help businesses effectively reach international markets, increase sales, and expand their scale.

Need advice on implementing international eCommerce? Contact SECOMM today!

What is Shopify Markets Definition, Pros and Cons
What is Shopify Markets? Pros & Cons for International Selling

In the digital age, eCommerce is the key to helping businesses quickly and effectively reach global customers. Shopify, a renowned SaaS platform supporting online business, has launched the Shopify Markets solution to assist businesses in expanding into global markets. So, what is Shopify Markets? What benefits and challenges does this solution bring to your business when implementing international eCommerce? Let’s explore in the article below.

1. What is Shopify Markets?

What is Shopify Markets

Shopify Markets is a new solution from the Shopify platform, designed to help you easily and efficiently expand your business into global markets. This tool allows you to manage multiple stores from a single dashboard, customizing each market with specific settings for language, currency, taxes, and payment methods. Moreover, Shopify Markets integrates with international shipping and logistics services, enabling you to optimize your operations and meet the demands of global customers.

Previously, multi-store setups have been done by using Shopify Plus, allowing merchants to establish and operate separate Shopify stores for each target market. This approach gave merchants full control over individual stores, such as running market-specific marketing campaigns, promotions, and inventory management.

However, this approach had several drawbacks. First, operating multiple standalone stores meant discrepancies in inventory levels, requiring data synchronization between stores. This process was time-consuming and prone to errors. Many merchants addressed this issue by integrating systems like PIM or ERP. Second, the workload increased due to the need to update content for each store individually. Third, many merchants complained about having to pay for the same app or integration across multiple stores, leading to inefficiencies in financial management.

Thus, the advent of Shopify Markets serves as a remedy for these three issues. Now, you can apply multi-language, multi-currency, international pricing, domain or subdirectory, and Geolocation features for the stores, all managed efficiently from a single dashboard.

2. Top features of Shopify Markets

Top features of Shopify Markets

2.1 Multi-language

When deploying international eCommerce, the importance of multi-language support cannot be overstated. According to CSA Research, 76% of online shoppers prefer to purchase products with information displayed in their native language. Meanwhile, 40% will never buy from eCommerce websites in a different language.

By using Shopify Markets and the built-ịn Translate & Adapt app, your website can be automatically translated into the languages of your target markets. Beyond mere translation, Shopify’s Translate & Adapt app can customize store content to better connect with local customers. This ensures that your eCommerce website maintains cultural, regional, and seasonal relevance—even when markets share the same language—the app can adjust for variations in vocabulary, spelling, and messaging.

2.2 Multi-currency

Global customers want to see product prices in their own currency when shopping on eCommerce websites. A PayPal report supports this, showing that 76% of survey participants prefer to pay in their local currency. Shopify Markets can automatically convert product prices into over 130 different currencies to cater to your target customers. From product pages to shopping carts, and from checkout to refunds, Shopify Markets can create a seamless multi-currency shopping experience for customers, which will boost conversion rates and sales.

2.3 Localized domain & subdirectories

Shopify Markets can help create localized domains linked to specific languages and countries. For example, “” could be the main site operating in the US, “” for the Canadian market, and “” for the UK. This not only increases credibility and optimizes SEO but also enhances brand recognition in each market.

Shopify Markets allows the setup of subdirectories for each language or region under the same main domain, such as “” for English, “” for French, and “” for German. Using subdirectories helps easily manage local versions of the store, improve user experience, and optimize costs related to maintaining multiple domains.

2.4 Localized payment methods

Payment methods significantly influence purchasing decisions. According to a Worldpay report, 27% of users will abandon the checkout process if they cannot find their preferred payment method.

With Shopify Markets, you can offer your customers a variety of local payment options, alongside familiar choices like credit/debit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. Some examples of local payment method integrations include:

  • China: AliPay, WeChat
  • Singapore: PayNow
  • Australia: Klarna, Afterpay
  • Vietnam: ZaloPay, VNPay

2.5 Estimate & collect duties and tax

When selling in international markets, pricing can be affected by duties and import tax. In many cases, unexpected costs for customers can lead to a negative shopping experience.

The Shopify Markets solution can help address this issue. This tool can calculate taxes based on the shipping address and the legal regulations of each country, including value-added tax (VAT), sales tax, and other import duties. When customers proceed to checkout, the system clearly displays these taxes, helping them understand the total shopping cost and avoid unpleasant surprises.

Shopify Markets also collects and remits these taxes to the appropriate tax authorities, saving your time and effort in handling tax procedures. This feature also integrates with shipping services to ensure all tax-related costs are accurately reflected, allowing you to plan expenses more effectively. Therefore, you can comply with legal regulations, enhance the customer shopping experience, and optimize your operations.

3. Shopify Markets and the plans

Shopify Markets is included in all Shopify plans, but the features available to merchants vary by plan. Here are the core features that all Shopify merchants can use when embracing Shopify Markets:

  • Support for selling in 136 currencies and 20 languages
  • Customize domains and subdirectories to optimize search engine performance for each market
  • Integrate with a variety of local payment options

For the higher-tier plans, Advanced and Plus, merchants can access exclusive features. This is particularly beneficial for larger enterprises looking to establish and maintain a strong, competitive presence in international markets:

  • Automatic tax calculation
  • Calculate and collect import tax at checkout
  • Manage fulfillments in each market

4. Shopify Markets Pro

Shopify Markets Pro

Shopify Markets Pro is the upgraded version of Shopify Markets, designed to offer more advanced features. This solution aims to support large-scale merchants in efficiently and flexibly managing complex international operations. The “Pro” version helps sell in over 150 different markets, providing powerful tools to optimize operations, manage taxes and costs, and enhance the international customer experience.

Some special features exclusive to the Pro version include:

  • Exclusive discounts on international shipping, order tracking, and expedited delivery worldwide within 1-5 days.
  • AllowShopify to handle compliance with legal and tax procedures.
  • Recommend top payment methods for each market.
  • Suggest to remove products that are prohibited for import in each market.
  • Protect fraud for international orders.
  • Ensure stable exchange rates to avoid financial risks associated with currency fluctuations or refund variations.

5. Benefits of using Shopify Markets

  • Quickly set up and optimize international stores
  • Manage all target stores from a single dashboard
  • Simplify currency localization by displaying product prices in the target market’s currency
  • Localize language and web content to optimize SEO
  • Offer local payment options without restrictions
  • Localize the website interface to create a familiar and engaging shopping experience
  • Localization boosts conversion rates, sales, and customer satisfaction
  • Automate tax estimation and collection to optimize budget plans

6. Limits of using Shopify Markets

  • You need to use the Shopify Markets Pro version to access more advanced features.
  • The Shopify website does not support translations of language variants. For example, Simplified/Traditional Chinese and Brazilian/European Portuguese.
  • Currency conversion fees are quite high: 1.5% per transaction for the standard version and 2.5% per transaction for the Pro version.

Final Words

Shopify Markets is truly a robust solution for going globally and manage target stores efficiently and flexibly. However, alongside its strengths, this solution also has several notable limitations.

Depending on the scale, number of target stores, and the need to create a customized shopping experience, you can weigh the standard version against the Pro version. Nevertheless, you must carefully consider cost factors and management capabilities to ensure these solutions align with your strategies.

Need more advice? Contact SECOMM today!

Top 5 Best eCommerce Platforms in Singapore
Top 5 Favorite eCommerce Platforms in Singapore

eCommerce in Singapore is continuously evolving with the emergence of new technological solutions. As a result, the options for eCommerce platforms are becoming increasingly abundant and diverse. This presents both opportunities and challenges for every merchant, as selecting the right platform to build an eCommerce website is a crucial first step.

Here are the five most commonly used eCommerce platforms in the Lion City.

1. ShopifyShopify

Shopify is a popular SaaS eCommerce platform with over 4.8 million active websites. In Australia alone, over 8 thousands live stores are operating on the Shopify platform.

Recently, the premium version of Shopify, ‘Plus,’ has garnered attention from businesses across various sectors in Singapore. These merchants may have previously deployed different eCommerce platforms and later switched to Shopify Plus to seek a superior solution. Some merchants initially launched websites with standard Shopify packages and later upgraded to ‘Plus’ to optimize their operations.

Key features:

  • Point-Of-Sale (POS)
  • Email Marketing
  • Blogging
  • SEO
  • Multi-marketplace selling
  • Headless Commerce
  • Automation (for Shopify Plus merchants)
  • Composable Commerce (for Shopify Plus merchants)
  • Omnichannel (for Shopify Plus merchants)


  • User-friendly interface
  • Provides drag-and-drop builder
  • High scalability and customizability, especially with the ‘Plus’ package
  • Diverse range of unique themes suitable for various industries
  • Extensive app store
  • Supports multiple local payment gateways
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Rich learning resources
  • Large user community


  • On-going costs increase over time
  • Limited customizability and scalability in core Shopify plans
  • The eCommerce system relies on Shopify


Shopify Pricing

2. MagentoMagento

Magento is a globally popular open-source platform, and its prevalence extends to Australia as well.  According to BuiltWith, there are currently about 661 e-commerce websites operating on the Magento platform in the Lion Island.

With its high flexibility, merchants can effortlessly tailor features and scale the system according to their unique business requirements.

Presently, Magento provides two versions: Open Source (Free) and Adobe Commerce (Paid).

Key features:

  • Multi-brand solution
  • Inventory management
  • Headless Commerce implementation
  • Loyalty program development
  • Advanced search
  • High-security measures
  • Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
  • Enhanced SEO


  • Best for large businesses with complex customization needs and high-budget investments.
  • High customization and scalability capabilities.
  • Rich built-in features and advanced functionalities compared to SaaS platforms.
  • No limit on sales volume.
  • Diverse range of extensions available.
  • Large user community.


  • Requires a high level of technical expertise.
  • Deployment time is relatively long.
  • Initial costs are high.


  • The cost to implement Magento Open Source is approximately $20,000 – $50,000 per project in the first year and the time to go live ranges from 3 to 6 months depending on the project’s complexity.
  • The estimated cost to implement Adobe Commerce is around $100,000 – $150,000 per project in the first year, with the time to go live ranging from 6 months to 1 year depending on the project’s complexity.

3. WooCommerceWooCommerce

WooCommerce, a free and open-source WordPress plugin, enables brands to integrate eCommerce functionality into their existing WordPress websites. With just a few clicks, the WooCommerce plugin helps convert a standard WordPress site into a fully-featured eCommerce platform, complete with essential features and easy customization. At the time of writing, there are over 13,000 WooCommerce eCommerce websites operating effectively in Singapore.

Key features:

  • Multi-marketplace selling
  • Selling a diverse range of products
  • Remote operation with a mobile app
  • Customization and expansion
  • Blogging
  • SEO


  • Free and open-source
  • Seamless integration with WordPress
  • User-friendly interface
  • Large user community
  • In-depth analytics and reporting
  • Support for various products and payment methods


  • Lack of support for technical and security issues
  • Some integrations demand advanced technical skills
  • Relies on the WordPress system
  • Multilingual deployment may sometimes have limitations.
  • Potential costs may accrue over time

Pricing: Free to use. However, some integrations with other plugins may incur charges.

4. Open CartOpen Cart

OpenCart is a globally popular open-source eCommerce platform, powering over 900 thousand active websites worldwide. In Singapore, it has gained popularity with more than 1,600 live OpenCart sites, establishing itself as a favored open-source platform in the country, following Magento.

Founded by Daniel Kerr in 1998, OpenCart operates as open-source software, utilizing the PHP programming language. It currently offers two versions: Free (Free-to-use version) and Cloud Store (Paid version).

Key features:

  • Diverse payment and delivery methods
  • Multilingual capabilities
  • Multi-marketplace selling
  • Seamless management of products, orders, and inventory
  • Headless Commerce deployment
  • Blogging
  • SEO


  • User-friendly interface
  • Extensive library of themes and apps
  • Flexible customizability and scalability
  • No transaction fees


  • Requires strong technical skills
  • Lacks advanced extension features
  • Many hidden costs


Free for the Free version. For the Cloud Store version, the specific costs are as follows:pricing

The ‘Cloud Store’ version pricing plan

5. PrestaShopPrestaShop

Another open-source platform that is equally popular in Singapore is PrestaShop, with over 270 eCommerce websites currently in operation. The strength of PrestaShop lies in its flexibility and high customization capabilities, allowing users to easily adjust functionalities and interfaces to meet their specific needs. Additionally, with a vibrant developer community and thousands of available modules and themes, PrestaShop not only provides a comprehensive eCommerce solution but also continuous support to ensure that websites run smoothly and efficiently.

Key features:

  • Flexible module approach
  • Advanced product management
  • Advanced order and customer management
  • Multi-language and multi-currency support
  • SEO integration
  • Comprehensive reporting and analytics


  • User-friendly interface
  • High customization and scalability
  • Free license
  • Large user community
  • Multilingual customer support services


  • Costs may arise during deployment
  • Require technical skills for optimization and customization
  • Performance and page load speed issues may occur with increased traffic if not well-optimized
  • Official support from the provider is limited

Pricing: Free to use, but charges apply for complex requirements

Choosing The Right eCommerce Platform

These are the five popular eCommerce platforms in Singapore that many merchants choose to build their eCommerce websites. Depending on specific implementation needs, businesses can consider the most suitable platform.

Need more advice? Contact SECOMM today!

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14 Brands Migrate from WooCommerce to Shopify Plus
Top 14+ Brands Migrate from WooCommerce to Shopify Plus Pt3

Building upon the narratives in parts 1 and 2, this third part invites you to delve into the stories of the remaining brands within the series of 14 that migrate from WooCommerce to Shopify Plus. Explore how this strategic decision has led to their success in terms of sales and paved the way for sustainable growth in the future.

1. Alternative BrewingAlternative Brewing

Alternative Brewing is a leading brand in Australia specializing in providing high quality coffee making equipment and utensils. After operating on WooCommerce, Alternative Brewing encountered a problem. WooCommerce eCommerce websites require constant maintenance, causing a lot of worry on shopping occasions like Black Friday or Cyber Monday.

Within 4 months of converting to the Shopify Plus platform, Alternative Brewing’s new eCommerce website loaded faster and had faster checkout, helping the brand significantly increase average order value. Shopify Plus platform with an intuitive, user-friendly interface, Alternative Brewing does not need to deal with a lot of complicated code. This allows the Alternative Brewing team to focus on growing their business and make more informed decisions with Shopify’s in-depth reports and analytics.


Industry: FnB

Traffic: 919,295/month

Rank: #3,071 (Australia) & #144,195 (Global)

2. DuradryDuradry

Duradry is a leading personal care brand that offers effective antiperspirant products. Operating on WooCommerce costs Duradry a lot of money when testing many different marketing campaigns. The brand migrated to the Shopify Plus platform to take advantage of many exclusive tools and solutions that help them optimize operations and deploy marketing processes more effectively.

Duradry also leverages Shopify Collabs to partner with popular content creators to drive marketing success, bringing Duradry products to more potential customers. The result was 250 content creators joining Duradry’s community, $50k in sales through Shopify Collabs in less than 7 months.


Industry: Beauty & Cosmetics

Traffic: 386,080/month

Rank: #119,405 (USA) & #445,775 (Global)

3. AMR Hair & BeautyAMR Hair & Beauty

AMR Hair & Beauty is one of the leading suppliers of hair care and beauty products in Australia. Established in 2004, AMR has quickly grown to become a trusted destination for hair salons and individual consumers.

Although WooCommerce has served AMR Hair & Beauty well for many years, with the rapid growth of the business, the platform began to show its limitations. Among them are limited scalability, difficult order management, poor security, and suboptimal customer support.

After switching to Shopify Plus, AMR Hair & Beauty leveraged the B2B on Shopify solution to build a wholesale store and further customize advanced search features and filtering options. This means AMR Hair & Beauty’s B2B customers can quickly narrow down search results and view products along with prices and offers. As a result, AMR Hair & Beauty increased sales by 200%, average B2B order value by 77%, and conversion rate by 93%.


Industry: Beauty & Cosmetics

Traffic: 258,448/month

Rank: #8,360 (Australia) & #381,873 (Global)

4. Abode LivingAbode Living

Abode Living was founded in 1991 and since then the brand has become Australia’s leading supplier of luxury bed linen, using the highest quality European fabrics and sewing products in its own factories. I’m in Australia.

With the need to increase online sales in Australia and other markets, and upgrade customer experience. However, the previous platform the company used, WooCommerce, did not offer enough flexibility to customize advanced features. WooCommerce also doesn’t give Abode Living the ability to add international marketplaces to its existing eCommerce system. Switching to Shopify Plus met all of Abode Living’s goals. The brand saw a 15% increase in average order value, faster page load speeds, and faster responses.


Industry: Home Funishing

Traffic: 16,645/month

Rank: #57,874 (Australia) & #2,352,607 (Global)

Final Words

So, SECOMM has gathered insights from 14 representative brands that courageously stepped out of the “WooCommerce world” to revamp their eCommerce websites with Shopify Plus. These brands prioritize customer experience and streamlined processes, inspiring others to confidently opt for platform migration.

Contact SECOMM or call directly at (+84)28 7108 9908 for advice and implementation of the eCommerce migration process from WooCommerce to Shopify Plus today!

14 Brands Migrate from WooCommerce to Shopify Plus
Top 14+ Brands Migrate from WooCommerce to Shopify Plus Pt2

When it comes to brands that re-platformed from WooCommerce to Shopify Plus, it’s good to read their success stories in sales behind.

In the second part of this series, let’s continue to delve into more brands that chose to migrate their eCommerce platforms from WooCommerce to Shopify Plus, and explore how this decision paved the way for boundless success.

1. HiSmileHiSmile Shopify Plus

HiSmile is a globally renowned brand for teeth whitening products, aiming to help customers achieve a bright, confident smile. Founded in 2014 in Australia, HiSmile quickly gained attention due to its high-quality, easy-to-use, and effective products.

In the early days of its eCommerce operations, HiSmile’s WooCommerce website performed well. However, as HiSmile gained recognition and became more popular, website traffic began to surge, especially during sales events. Page load issues and site crashes cost the HiSmile team a lot of money in repairs and maintenance. Therefore, they decided to seek a more robust and stable solution and chose Shopify Plus.

With the new Shopify Plus website, HiSmile boosted its social media sales strategy and expanded into the global market. To date, HiSmile has attracted over three million social media followers, 5.5 billion social media impressions, and over 1.5 billion views on its social media videos. These numbers demonstrate the brand’s extensive customer reach. Additionally, global sales have significantly increased since the transition.


Industry: Beauty & Cosmetics

Traffic: 4.55M/month

Rank: #10,390 (USA) & #33,392 (Global)

2. Muscle NationMuscle Nation Shopify Plus

Muscle Nation is renowned in the fitness and sports fashion industry, established with the goal of providing high-quality products tailored to the needs of fitness enthusiasts. The Muscle Nation team focuses on delivering an optimal customer experience and implements social media sales strategies. In its first year, the brand earned $1 million in revenue. At that time, Muscle Nation only had a basic website with eCommerce integration, which led to performance issues and a decline in sales.

Since transitioning to the Shopify Plus platform, Muscle Nation has leveraged the superior ecosystem of apps and tools offered by Plus to customize customer experiences and specific features. The brand uses Shopify Flow to manage high-risk orders and tag customers, Launchpad to handle product releases and event launches, and Peoplevox for warehouse management.

As a result, Muscle Nation generated over $4 million in revenue on Black Friday 2019 and handled more than 208,000 customers shopping simultaneously without any website issues.


Industry: Fashion

Traffic: 961,900/month

Rank: #2,676 (Australia) & #137,488 (Global)

3. JunglückJunglück Shopify Plus

Junglück is a renowned cosmetics brand in Germany, known for its natural and environmentally friendly skincare products. Initially, Junglück used WooCommerce to manage its online store. However, with the brand’s rapid growth, WooCommerce began to show limitations, including slow page load speeds, poor website performance, and restricted integration and scalability.

The cosmetics brand decided to switch to the Shopify Plus platform. This transition allowed Junglück to seamlessly integrate with various third-party systems such as CRM and ERP, enhancing operational efficiency. As a result, Junglück increased its revenue sevenfold since implementing the Shopify Plus website, boosted average order value by 22%, and improved conversion rates by 34%.


Industry: Beauty & Cosmetics

Traffic: 355,059/month

Rank: #12,653 (Germany) & #308,899 (Global)

4. LVLYLVLY Shopify Plus

LVLY is a prominent brand in the gift and fresh flower arrangement industry, known for its sophistication and modern style. Each LVLY product is meticulously designed and delivered promptly to the recipient, perfectly conveying messages of love and care.

Previously, LVLY used the WordPress platform and WooCommerce plugin to build its eCommerce website. The brand encountered many customization limitations, and the basic features gradually failed to support expansion. Particularly during major shopping events, the system became overloaded and couldn’t handle the high traffic volume. LVLY decided to switch to the Shopify Plus platform. The platform migration took less than 90 days without reducing the conversion rate. The scalability of Shopify Plus helped LVLY achieve its biggest Valentine’s Day sales ever in 2023. Personalization options and add-ons, which LVLY could not implement on its previous platform, also played a crucial role in the cross-sell/up-sell strategy during this shopping event.


Industry: Gifts & Flowers

Traffic: 354,352/month

Rank: #6,734 (Australia) & #334,427 (Global)

5. Mandaue FoamMandaue Foam Shopify Plus

Since its establishment in 1971, Mandaue Foam has become an indispensable name in the furniture industry in the Philippines. After four years of using the standard Shopify version, Mandaue Foam upgraded to Shopify Plus to seek solutions for expansion and customization.

The brand utilized LaunchPad – an exclusive feature of Shopify Plus – to schedule marketing campaigns and automate product price updates and discounts. Because LaunchPad allows tracking the performance of each campaign in real-time, the Mandaue Foam team can understand customer behavior and adjust campaigns accordingly.

Next, with Shopify Flow, Mandaue Foam automated its order management process by creating a workflow where, as soon as an order is placed, one of the 28 physical locations with inventory for that product is notified to process the order. This process ensures order fulfillment speed while eliminating the need for manual order tracking.

The platform switch and the implementation of eCommerce automation have helped Mandaue Foam increase order volume by 200%, total sales by 151% YOY, and customer return rate by 16%.


Industry: Furniture

Traffic: 486,503/month

Rank: #2,745 (Philippines) & #170,520 (Global)

Final Words

Here are the next 5 brands in the series re-platform from WooCommerce to Shopify Plus. Throughout SECOMM’s process of executing platform conversion projects, whether from WooCommerce or any other eCommerce platform to Shopify Plus, the pivotal factor determining success is a detailed and well-structured conversion plan.

Contact SECOMM or directly call the hotline at (028 7108 9908) to collaborate on devising the optimal plan for the platform migration to Shopify Plus.

14 Brands Migrate from WooCommerce to Shopify Plus
Top 14+ Brands Migrate from WooCommerce to Shopify Plus Pt1

WooCommerce is known as the ‘golden standard’ for many eCommerce businesses. With its intuitive, user-friendly interface and free usage, WooCommerce enables businesses to start operating immediately.

However, its limitations in customization, scalability, and performance, along with the need for ongoing maintenance, have driven many brands to look for better solutions beyond the “WooCommerce world.” Shopify Plus has become a popular choice for those seeking to optimize their platform transition.

Let’s delve into why the five brands below chose to migrate their e-commerce websites from WooCommerce to Shopify Plus and how this decision has boosted their conversion rates and sales.

1. WooblesWoobles

The Woobles is a prominent brand specializing in crochet kits for beginners, with a mission to bring joy and creativity through learning to crochet. Founded with the goal of making it easy for people to access and experience the art of crochet, The Woobles provides complete kits and detailed instructions, enabling users to create adorable products within just a few hours of learning.

After a period of selling on Etsy, the company decided to build its own eCommerce website. Initially, they chose WooCommerce and took only a few weeks to set up the site. However, as The Woobles’ brand grew more popular and website traffic increased, the page loading speed became inefficient. They realized that the money saved on platform fees was far outweighed by the costs of fixing technical issues and maintaining the system.

Switching from the WooCommerce platform to Shopify Plus allowed The Woobles to optimize their investment and leverage the application ecosystem and solutions offered by Shopify and third parties. Shopify’s robust infrastructure helped The Woobles provide customers with a customized shopping experience and handle surges in traffic. Notably, The Woobles’ Shopify Plus website can maintain an uptime of up to 99.99%.


Industry: Toys and Gifts

Traffic: 4.997M/month

Rank: #6,216 (USA) & #31,974 (Global)

2. WildingWilding

Wilding is a prominent shoe brand that specializes in providing comfortable and stylish footwear for consumers. In 2018, Wilding experienced remarkable growth. However, despite a fairly high repeat customer rate, the conversion rate for new customers did not meet expectations.

With a multi-channel sales strategy, Wilding decided to transition from WooCommerce to the Shopify Plus platform to rebuild its eCommerce system. Additionally, the brand opened several showrooms in various locations across Germany and implemented the Shopify POS solution. This allows customers to try on shoes before deciding to purchase either in-store or through the website. The Shopify POS system integrates sales channels and links transactions, enabling Wilding to manage inventory, orders, and track customer behavior more easily and efficiently.


Industry: Fashion

Traffic: 1.783M/month

Rank: #4,971 (Germany) & #80,383 (Global)

3. SunologySunology

Since its founding in 2019, Sunology has gradually established itself as one of Europe’s leading solar equipment providers. After a long period of eCommerce implementation with WooCommerce, Sunology decided to switch to Shopify Plus to seek better customization and scalability solutions to achieve its growth and global expansion goals.

Using Shopify Script allows the company to manage custom material allocations for each solar device. This way, customers can design solar power stations tailored to their specific needs. In addition to streamlining and optimizing Sunology’s management processes, Script also optimizes checkout to provide a more appealing shopping experience for customers.

Sunology also leverages the Shopify Markets tool to quickly set up and efficiently manage multiple stores from a single dashboard. This application makes it easy to translate store content from one language to another, significantly supporting Sunology’s international expansion ambitions.


Industry: Home & Garden

Traffic: 583,349/month

Rank: #12,355 (France) & #353,837 (Global)


T1TAN is a brand specializing in the production and supply of high-quality sports equipment and accessories, particularly in the field of football. T1TAN’s flagship product is goalkeeper gloves, renowned for their durability, comfort, and superior protection. These gloves are developed to meet the most stringent standards.

With their WooCommerce system, T1TAN experienced a website crash during a sale of limited edition products at discounted prices. The T1TAN team realized they needed a more robust and flexible eCommerce platform. Since switching to Shopify Plus, T1TAN has handled multiple major shopping events with surges in traffic and transactions without any website crashes. This platform change has resulted in a 25% increase in conversion rates, zero downtime, and expansion into six additional markets across Europe.


Industry: Sport

Traffic: 492,054/month

Rank: #621,737 (USA) & #241,413 (Global)


RUDIS is a renowned brand specializing in products and equipment for wrestling, with a mission to support and enhance the performance of athletes at all levels. RUDIS products are designed using advanced technology and premium materials, ensuring durability, comfort, and high performance.

As their eCommerce business grew rapidly, RUDIS struggled to scale their existing WooCommerce system, making a platform switch the only viable solution. RUDIS chose Shopify Plus. After launching the new website, the RUDIS team quickly integrated ERP NetSuite and third-party systems to optimize sales, shipping, and payment processes. With Shopify Plus, RUDIS achieved unprecedented growth, including:

  • An 80% increase in revenue
  • A 70% increase in the number of orders
  • A 27% increase in conversion rate


Industry: Sport

Traffic: 395,166/month

Rank: #42,519 (USA) & #252,797 (Global)

Final Words

Here are five brands that have witnessed a remarkable change in sales by re-platforming from WooCommerce to Shopify Plus. An important point to note is that while WooCommerce is free and easy to use, complex customizations can be costly and sometimes impractical due to limitations in WordPress and WooCommerce infrastructure. Additionally, businesses may face performance and website speed issues, leading to higher costs for system repairs and maintenance.

On the other hand, Shopify Plus provides businesses with flexible customization options at a more optimal cost, and maintenance and updates are streamlined following Shopify’s standards.

Need more help? Contact SECOMM today!

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